
Detailed information related to petha cultivation

Published on: 25-Feb-2024

Petha is cultivated as a pumpkin crop. It is also known as Kumhada, Kushmand, and Kashiphal. Its plants spread in the form of vines. In some of its species, fruits are found 1 to 2 meters long and a light white powdery layer is visible on the fruits. 

Vegetables and ripe fruits from the raw fruits of Petha are used to make Petha. Petha (pumpkin) is mainly used to make petha. It is used very little for vegetables.

Now apart from this, Chyawanprash is also prepared from it, consumption of which increases mental strength and prevents even minor diseases. 

Petha is a low-cost, high-profitable crop, due to which farmers prefer to cultivate Petha. If you are also thinking of cultivating petha, then in this article you are being given information about how petha is cultivated (Pumpkin Farming in Hindi).

Where is Petha (pumpkin) cultivated in India? 

Petha is cultivated in India mainly in the western state of Uttar Pradesh. Apart from this, Petha is being cultivated almost all over India including Eastern Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, and Rajasthan.

Also read: How to earn from pumpkin crop; Know complete information about the crop

Suitable soil, climate, and temperature for petha cultivation

Petha can be cultivated easily in any fertile soil. Loamy soil is considered suitable for its excellent yield. It is easily cultivated on land with proper drainage. In its cultivation, the PH value of the land should be between 6 to 8.

Petha cultivation requires a tropical climate. Summer and rainy seasons are most suitable for its cultivation. But, a too-cold climate is not good for its cultivation. Because its plants are not able to grow well in cold weather.

Petha plants initially grow well at normal temperatures and seeds germinate properly at 15-degree temperatures. After seed germination, a temperature of 30 to 40 degrees is required for plant development. Petha plants are not able to grow well in high temperatures.

Following are the improved varieties of Petha 


Coimbatore variety plants are grown for late harvest. Both vegetables and sweets are made from its fruits. The average weight of the fruits produced by its plants is around 7KG to 8KG. 

Let us tell you that this variety provides a yield of up to 300 quintals per hectare.

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C.O. 1

This variety of Petha takes 120 days to prepare. The average weight of one fruit ranges from 7 to 10 KG. Accordingly, it gives a production of 300 quintals per hectare. 

Kashi Dhawal

This variety of Petha starts producing after 120 days of seed planting. Plants of this species are mostly grown in the summer season, in which the weight of the fruit is up to 12 KG. 

This variety gives a production of 500 to 600 quintals per hectare.

Pusa Biswas

The plant of this variety of Petha is found to be taller, it takes 120 days to be ready. One fruit weighs approximately 5 KG. This variety gives a production of 250 to 300 quintals per hectare.

Kashi bright

This variety takes 110 to 120 days to be ready. The fruits produced in it are round shaped, and their weight is around 12 kg. This variety gives a production of 550 to 600 quintals per hectare.

Also read: Cultivate Petha like this in summer, you will soon become rich

Arko sandalwood

It takes 130 days for Arco Chandan variety plants to be ready for harvesting. Its raw fruits are used to make vegetables. This variety is known to give a production of 350 quintals per hectare. 

Apart from this, various improved varieties of Petha have been developed to give higher yields in different climates and different areas, which are as follows:- Coimbatore 2, CM 14, Hybrid Narendra Kashiphal- 1, Narendra Advance. , Pusa Hybrid, Narendra Amrit, IIPK- 226, BSS- 987, BSS- 988, Kalyanpur Pumpkin- 1 etc.

Preparation of Petha field and quantity of fertilizer 

Let us tell you that first of all, deep ploughing of the field is done with soil-turning ploughs. Due to this, the remains of old crops present in the field are destroyed. After ploughing, leave the field open. 

Due to this, sunlight reaches the soil of the field better. After the first ploughing of the field, 12 to 15 cartloads of old cow dung per hectare have to be applied as a natural fertilizer. 

After applying the manure in the field, two to three oblique ploughing are done. Due to this, cow dung manure gets mixed well in the soil of the field. After this, the field is watered. 

When the water in the field dries up, it is ploughed once again using a rotavator. Due to this the soil of the field becomes very brittle. 

After the soil becomes friable, the field is levelled. After this, raised beds are created at a distance of 3 to 4 meters for planting saplings in the field. 

Apart from this, if you want to use chemical fertilizer, then for that you will need 80 KG D.A.P. The quantity of spray has to be done per hectare at the time of final ploughing of the field. 

After this, a 50 KG quantity of nitrogen has to be given along with plant irrigation.