
Detailed information related to Arjuna tree which is rich in medicinal properties.

Published on: 27-Jan-2024

Arjuna tree is considered medicinal because it is considered useful for many medicines. This tree is mostly found on the banks of rivers and drains. Arjuna tree remains evergreen. Arjuna tree is known by many other names like Ghawal and Nadisarj. The height of this tree is approximately 60 -80 feet high. Arjuna tree is mostly found on the banks of rivers or near the bed of dry rivers in Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Sri Lanka, Bihar and many other states.

What is Arjuna Tree like?

The height of the Arjuna tree remains quite tall. Arjuna trees are found in very dry areas. Arjuna trees can be grown in any soil. Arjuna tree is also known as Anunarishta. This tree has been used for Ayurvedic medicines for many years.

What is the fruit of Arjuna Tree?

The fruit of the Arjuna tree is initially light white and yellow in color, after some time when the fruit grows, it appears green and yellow in color and a slight aroma also starts coming from it. After ripening, this fruit starts appearing red in color.

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Benefits of Arjun Bark.

Drinking decoction of Arjuna bark helps in thinning the blood which keeps the blood circulation in the body balanced. The decoction of this bark should be used continuously for two to three months. Use of this decoction reduces bleeding. It improves the efficiency of heart functions like blood pressure.

Aid in Digestion.

Arjuna tree is helpful in digestion. By taking powder of its bark, it keeps the digestive system balanced. It helps in reducing the increased fat, consumption of Arjuna bark is considered better for problems like liver. It also helps in weight loss. 

It is beneficial in the cold and cough.

Making a concoction of the bark of Arjuna tree and drinking it or eating Arjuna powder mixed with honey is beneficial in both cold and cough. The juice of the Arjuna tree has been used as a medicine for centuries.

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Helpful in healing bones.

The bark of the Arjuna tree is used for broken bones or muscle soreness. In this, drinking bark powder mixed with two spoons of powder in a glass of milk strengthens the bones. It also provides relief from bone pain. 

Beneficial in Ulcer disease.

Arjuna is also used in diseases like ulcer. Many times ulcer wounds do not heal quickly. Or as soon as the wound dries, other wounds appear, make a decoction of the bark of Arjuna tree and wash the wound with it. By doing this, wounds start reducing and it also controls diseases like ulcers. 

Disadvantages of Arjuna Bark.

Arjuna tree is considered beneficial for many diseases, but it also has some disadvantages which have adverse effects on the body.


Consumption of Arjun bark is not good for the health of many people, due to which they often face problems like nausea or nervousness. If you are consuming the bark and you feel that you are having a burning sensation or pain in the chest, then stop using it immediately.

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Feeling of stomach pain or cramps

If you feel stomach pain or any other problem after using the bark, then stop consuming the bark. Although Arjuna is an Ayurvedic herb it has side effects for some people.

Give rise to diseases like allergy.

A solution of bark of Arjuna tree is made and applied on the body, it is considered very beneficial for the skin. But it's coating also causes allergy related problems in many people's bodies. If you have problems like itching in the body after using this paste, then do not use this paste. 

Arjuna tree is considered very beneficial in Ayurveda. The bark of Arjuna tree is most commonly used. Magnesium, potassium and calcium are found in the bark of Arjuna tree. The sap of this tree is used in many diseases, and it is also beneficial. The bark of Arjuna tree is also used to deal with cancer related diseases. Besides, it also has some disadvantages. A person who is already taking any kind of medicine should take it only after consulting a doctor.