
Change in weather and rain likely in Uttar Pradesh

Published on: 10-Jan-2024

As we all know, the harsh winter season is going on. Farmers face many problems in farming. In such a situation, if it rains , then this problem increases further. There is a possibility of rain in some districts of western Uttar Pradesh in the next one or two days. Now there are some special things for the farmers, which need special attention . According to reports, there is a possibility of rain in Agra, Hathras, Aligarh and nearby parts.

What to do to prevent plant diseases

For the last several months, the ready crop has cost a lot and the hard work of the farmers . Now in such a situation, farmers are very worried about their crops . To save the crop, it is most necessary to monitor the cultivation daily. If any disease is seen in the leaf of the plant, immediately uproot it and bury it inside the ground. If more diseases are noticed, consult a specialist immediately and for precaution, spray a fungicide Carbendazim Manacuzeb or Metalaxyl And can also spray mancozeb.

Also Read : India Meteorological Department (IMD) issues rain alert in many states

If the weather is favourable for scorching in potato crops, then spray 2 grams per litre of Ina fungicide. If white leaf spot disease occurs in mustard crop, apply copper oxychloride or carbendazim mancozeb in 3 grams per litre of water Spray.

Do not forget to do this work

If there is a possibility of rain in your area, do not irrigate. If there is too much moisture in the field, vegetable crops can be majorly damaged. At the same time, a lot of diseases can occur. Spraying germs, insecticides or weedicides is best when the sun is open . If there is fog and cloudy sky and there is a possibility of rain, avoid pesticide spraying as well.

Also Read: Farmers should pay attention to these pesticides, government bans them

If the crop has flowered, avoid the use of any kind of chemical pesticides. Any crop is flowering . Do not use chemical sprays there. The growth of the flower will stop considerably. Flowers will fall off, preventing grains and fruit formation . In such a situation, use natural methods, smoke, moisture, neem oil and ash of tubers . Apart from this, bees have been kept in the field and if they come there, do not spray chemicals during the day or else they will die. Use at the time the bees return to the hives in the evening .