
Farmers can earn good profits from fig cultivation.

Published on: 02-Jan-2024

Figs can be cultivated in all types of climates. But figs are mostly cultivated in hot and dry climates. Fig plants can be grown in any type of soil, but loamy soil is considered better. There should also be a provision for drainage in the fig field so that in case of excess water, the water can be irrigated.

What should be the suitable climate and temperature for fig cultivation?

Fig cultivation requires a dry climate. Fig cultivation can be done better in areas with less rainfall. The fig crop becomes ripe in summer. The fig crop requires a temperature of about 25-30 degrees to be ready. Frost falling in winter is harmful to the fig crop.

How to prepare the field for the fig harvest?

If the fig plant is planted properly then it bears fruits for 40-50 years. That is why before cultivating figs, farmers should plow the field properly so that the remains of the first crop do not remain in the field. Plow the field at least twice, after that cow dung manure can also be used for more productivity in the field.

 Also read: The government of India is providing 50 percent subsidy for fig cultivation on barren land.

After this, leave the field empty for a few days, and let it get sunlight, after that when the field starts looking crumbly, apply manure and fertilizer again. By doing this the fertility of the field will increase. After this, plow the field with a rotavator and then level the field by raking it. By doing this there will be no problems like filling and stagnation of water in the field.

How to plant fig plants in the field?

After leveling the field, pits are prepared in it. These pits are 2 feet wide and 1 foot deep. These pits are prepared at a distance of 5 meters. These pits are filled with a mixture of cow dung and chemical fertilizers. By doing this the plant also grows and the fertility of the field also remains maintained. 

After planting the plant in the pit, add 1.5 cm of soil and give medicine to the plant. It is considered better to cultivate figs mostly in August and July.

Diseases affecting fig crops.

Although there are very few diseases in fig cultivation, sometimes due to excessive rainfall it gets affected by pests. These insects eat the leaves of the plants and affect their growth.

Also read: Farmers in this state are earning profits worth lakhs from fig cultivation

Irrigation of fig plants.

Fig cultivation does not require much water; water is applied only when the temperature is high. Also, it requires very little water even in winter, it is watered at an interval of 20-25 days. That is why figs can be grown even in areas with less water.

Weeds grown in fig crop.

In fig cultivation, weeds start appearing after a few months which can damage the crop. That is why farmers do weeding and weeding in the fields from time to time. So that weeds can be removed from the field. For this, farmers can also use pesticides.

Ripening of fig fruits.

The ripening color of this fruit depends on the variety of fig because there are many varieties of fig. The fig fruit becomes very soft when ripe. Use gloves to break the fig fruit, as a kind of milk comes out when the fig fruit is broken. If it gets applied anywhere on the body, it can also cause skin-related diseases. After plucking the fruit, fill a vessel with water and put it in the water. 

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Figs are mostly cultivated in Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Uttar Pradesh. Fig trees give fruits for a long time, figs are also the main source of increasing income. Figs also help in keeping the body fit. Fig cultivation can be done by farmers at very low cost and more profits can be earned from it. Farmers can also grow different varieties of figs for more production.