
This new variety of wheat will be proven effective for obesity and diabetes

Published on: 06-Oct-2023

For your knowledge, let us tell you that the Plant Breeding Genetics Department of the Punjab Agricultural University has created a new variety of wheat PBW RS1. It will cost less to farmers. This variety prevents the increase in obesity and the amount of insulin of blood sugar. This variety is going to be very beneficial for our body. Wheat is a major crop of the Rabi season. Along with this, it is a very nutritional meal as a food. Majority of people consume it as part of their diet. Majority of people eat chapatis made up of wheat flour. Farmers can also earn good profit by producing wheat crops. Along with this, situated in Ludhiana, the Plant Breeding Genetics Department of the Punjab Agricultural University has created a new variety of wheat, which prevents the increase in obesity and amount of insulin level in blood sugar. For the same reason, this variety will be proven as very beneficial for health. This rabi season, the seeds of this variety will be provided for cultivation. Along with this training will also be provided for the cultivation of these seeds.

How much time does it takes to PBW RS1 variety of wheat to get prepared 

Generally you would have seen that the patients suffering from obesity are advised not to consume wheat. But recently, after doing a research of 8 to 10 years, the agricultural scientists of the Plant Breeding Genetics Department of the Punjab Agricultural University have prepared the PBW RS1 variety, and doctors will also not stop you from consuming that. Because this new variety of wheat is helpful in controlling obesity.

Read  also: this rabi season, farmers can earn good money by cultivating black wheat. 

What are the benefits of PBW RS1 wheat 

This new variety of wheat developed by agricultural scientists has multiple benefits which are beneficial for our health. Regular consumption of this wheat can prevent us from problems like obesity and diabetes. Nutraceutical values in this variety of wheat are adequate. It also contains resistance starch.

This newly developed variety of wheat will be available in market after the month of April, 2024

Seeds of this variety are very good for patients suffering from diabetes. It will digest easily just like fibres. This wheat will be available in the market after April, 2024. However, the crops of these seeds will be less but it will have high prices in the market.