
Why should not the straw not burn? How will you know that your soil is alive or is lifeless?

Published on: 08-Nov-2023

Only the microorganisms (microbes) found in the upper surface of your soil determine that your soil is alive or lifeless, lifeless soil is called barren land. Due to burning of paddy straw, the microorganisms found in the soil die due to excessive heat, due to which the soil becomes barren. This fact needs to be promoted to reduce the problem of stubble burning. No smart and conscious farmers will make their soil barren themselves. For immediate benefits and due to lack of information, they are causing their own loss. In determining that the soil is alive or lifeless, it involves assessing its biological, chemical and physical characteristics. The soil is a complex ecosystem that is formed by combining diverse communities of organisms, from microorganisms to large organisms. This dynamic environment plays an important role in supporting the life of plants and maintaining ecological balance. We will detect various indicators and factors that help us understand the living nature of the soil.

1. Biological indicators

The soil is full of life, and a major indicator of its life is the presence of microorganisms. Bacteria, fungi, protozoa and nematodes are essential components of soil health. These organisms contribute to nutritious cycles, organic matter decomposition and disease suppression. Soil tests, such as microbial biomass and activity assay, provide insight into the abundance and diversity of these microorganisms.

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 Earthworms are another important biological indicator. Their hole digging activities increase soil composition, aeration and water infiltration. The presence and variety of earthworms indicate a healthy and biologically active soil.

2. Chemical Indicators

The chemical composition of the soil also reveals its vibrancy. The characteristic of living soil is a balanced nutrient that supports the growth of plants. PH, nutrient levels (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc.), and soil testing for organic matter content helps to assess soil fertility and the ability to maintain the life of plants. Organic matter derived from disintegrated plants and animal materials is a major component of living soil. It provides nutrients, improves water retention and supports microbial activity. High organic matter material is a sign of lively and biologically active soil.

3. Physical Indicator

The physical structure of the soil affects its vibrancy. The structure of a healthy soil allows proper drainage, root entry and air circulation. Soil sets formed by binding of particles contribute to a well -structured soil.

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By observing the soil texture (sand, silt, soil), information about its physical properties can be found. Living soils often have diverse textures, which promotes a balanced mixture of drainage and water retention. The narrow or poor structured soil indicates a lack of biological activity.

4. Health of plants

The health and vitality of plants growing in the soil is a direct indicator of the vibrancy of the soil. The growth of green and vigorous plants indicates rich and biologically active soil. In contrast, stagnant growth, yellow leaves, or increasing sensitivity to diseases indicate soil problems. Mycorrhiza plays an important role in taking nutrients, creating a symbiotic relationship with the roots of plants. The presence of mycorrhiza is an indicator of a living soil ecosystem that supports plant-length interactions.

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5. Soil respiration

Measuring soil respiratory rate provides direct evaluation of microbial activity. Microorganisms consume organic materials in the soil, release carbon dioxide through respiration. The high soil respiratory rate indicates an active microbial community and contributes to the cycle of nutrients.


In conclusion, to determine whether the soil is alive or not, it involves a comprehensive analysis of its biological, chemical and physical characteristics. Organic indicators such as microorganisms and earthworms, nutrient levels and organic matters such as chemical indicators and physical indicators such as the structure of soil collectively contribute to the evaluation. Additionally, observing the health of the plant and performing soil respiratory testing provides valuable information about the dynamic and living nature of the soil. Overall, a holistic approach that considers multiple indicators is necessary for the intensive understanding of the soil livelihood.