

Benefits of eating jawar,millet and ragi

Benefits of eating jawar,millet and ragi

For your information, let us tell you that coarse grains like jawar, millet and ragi are rich in minerals like fiber, vitamins, iron and protein. Also, these grains are known as gluten-free superfoods, which are extremely helpful in controlling diabetes. In such a situation, today we will tell you about the benefits of consuming coarse grains such as ragi, millet and jawar.

For a long time, the discussion of coarse grains has intensified among the people not only in India but all over the world. Because this year i.e. 2023 is being celebrated as the International Year of Millets on the call of the Government of India. The Government of India, which is engaged in promoting the cultivation and use of coarse grains, is constantly making efforts to ensure that coarse grains reach every household in India. Also, people can get information about the benefits of consuming coarse grains.

Benefits of eating coarse grains

In fact, it is clearly evident that millets like jowar, bajra and ragi are rich in minerals like vitamins, iron, protein and fibre. Also, these grains are known as gluten-free superfoods, which are extremely helpful in controlling diabetes. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye and barley. Also, a gluten-free diet helps in improving health, reducing weight and increasing energy.

Also, eating millets can be beneficial for individuals who have heart-related diseases. Because by eating jawar and millet blood circulation remains very good. In such a situation if you are a heart patient then you must consume jawar and millet. Apart from this, Shri anna is also very beneficial in increasing the digestive power in case of constipation or acidity in the stomach. Let us tell you that millets are also known as immunity boosters. Millets have been considered excellent in relieving various health problems like asthma, metabolism and diabetes.

People suffering from this disease should not eat coarse grain.

Hypothyroidism is also known as underactive thyroid. If a person is suffering from this disease, they should avoid consuming coarse grains. Because, coarse grains contain goitrogen which can hinder the absorption of iodine. However, when food is cooked, the amount of goitrogens present in it can be reduced due to cooking. But it can't be completely eliminated.

Due to lack of proper storage system, there is a lot of waste of food grains

Due to lack of proper storage system, there is a lot of waste of food grains

Food yields are getting enough in India and this yield is also increasing year by year. Tell me that even then, farmers do not get the right price for their crop. Millions of people in India are compelled for hungry gold. The reason for this is the absence of magnificent and well -organized facilities for storage somewhere.

Most of the reports are heard, that millions of tons of grains kept under the open sky got wet with unseasonal rain, the grain of crores of rupees was completely rotten and washed away. This causes water to reinforce the hard work of poor farmers. In addition, insects, rodents (rats, squirrels), micro -organisms and unscientific storage etc. are also plenty of crop loss. The government tells about the growth in yield, but does not explain how food will be kept safe and protection.

The government itself provides storage

In India, the government itself provides storage by unscientific methods. Everyone has generally seen the grain lying in sacks without covered under the open sky. Statistics at the Indian Grain Accumulation Management and Research Institute (IGMRI), Hapur (U.P.) say that the annual storage loss is about Rs 7,000 crore, with 14 million tonnes of food grains destroyed, with about 1,300 due to the sole insects about 1,300 Loss of crores of rupees is shambled. Due to micro -organisms, insects, rodents and unscientific storage etc., there is about 10% percent loss of total food grains after harvesting.

Capacity to store merely 45 per cent

India has an estimate of 3,235 lakh tonnes of food grains in the financial year 2022-23. However, according to government data, the total grain storage capacity in India is 1,450 lakh tonnes. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), only 45 percent of annual grain production in the country has the capacity to store only 45 percent. Apart from this, the government also hesitates to answer what the remaining grains are.

What do you understand from the food saving program

The 'KhadanBachao' program was started in India in 1979. Under this scheme, a target was set to generate awareness among farmers and provide tanks for storage at affordable prices. However, even today millions of tons of grains are wasted.

Work to reduce wasteful expenses

A plan to develop the world's largest storage capacity in India has been started. The government is spending about 1 lakh crore rupees on this scheme. This will increase the storage capacity of 2,150 lakh tonnes in 5 years. In addition, there are plans to construct 500 to 2000 tonnes of godowns at the block level. How much grain will be saved from being ruined by these efforts, it is dependent on the future.