
farming news

 Pink potatoes will give farmers more profits than normal potatoes

Pink potatoes will give farmers more profits than normal potatoes

Farmers, today we are going to tell you about pink potatoes in this article. Pink potatoes spoil more slowly than common potatoes. This potato is very beneficial for health. If you are a farmer and you cultivate potatoes, then this news is going to be very useful for you. Now farmers do not need to cultivate normal potatoes. Because currently pink potatoes are also being cultivated. This potato looks very good. Besides this, its taste is also better than normal potatoes. Experts say that these potatoes are highly nutritious. It is rich in carbohydrates and starch.

Pink potato is very beneficial for health

Pink potatoes are said to be very beneficial for health. Along with this, it also does not rot quickly. This potato is becoming increasingly popular in the market. Let us tell you that with the increase in demand, farmer brothers have started making profits. Now the more its demand increases, the more benefits farmers will get.

Also read: Cultivate early potatoes in this way

Farmers will benefit from pink potato cultivation

Pink potatoes can be cultivated in both lowland and hilly areas. It takes 80 to 100 days for the crop to be ready. Pink potato is also very bright, due to which people get attracted to it. Talking about the price, its price in the markets is higher than that of the common potato. It can yield more than 400 quintals per hectare of field. A farmer earns a profit of Rs 1 to 2 lakh from a single harvest of pink potatoes.

Pink potato is very good for health

Experts say that this potato works to increase immunity compared to common potatoes. Additionally, pink potatoes can be easily stored for several months. It also prevents diseases caused by viruses, due to which farmer's costs are reduced and profits are also higher.

People's problems increased due to continuous increase in inflation, the price of cumin crossed Rs 700

People's problems increased due to continuous increase in inflation, the price of cumin crossed Rs 700

Inflation is at its peak today. Today, not only cumin has become expensive, but the prices of other spices have also increased. Red chili is also bringing tears to people's eyes. Currently, red chili is being sold at Rs 350 to Rs 400 per kg in the retail market. Similarly, cloves cost Rs 1500 to 1800 per kg. 

As we know, inflation is not showing any signs of decreasing. Let us tell you that when the price of one thing decreases, other food products become expensive. Especially the rising prices of spices have troubled the general public, due to which the taste of food has changed a lot. Due to cumin being expensive, many people have stopped adding tadka to pulses and vegetables. The general public hopes that the prices of cumin will fall as the rainfall decreases. But, nothing like this seems to be happening. Even after the weakening of the monsoon, instead of becoming cheaper, cumin is becoming expensive. The price of one kg of cumin in the retail market has increased to more than Rs 700. Due to this the kitchen budget has deteriorated considerably. 

Also read: Spices or Masala price hike; First vegetable, now tadka in pulses has also become expensive, a record increase in the prices of spices.

Nowadays the price of cumin is Rs 750 to Rs 800.  

The havoc of inflation is so great that on Wednesday, cumin was sold at Rs 53 thousand 111 per quintal in the market located in the Nagaur district of Rajasthan. However, farmers are unhappy due to the increase in the price of cumin. This year he is earning good income by selling cumin. But, the burden of inflation on the general public is increasing significantly. Now because of this, cumin is being sold at Rs 750 to Rs 800 per kg in the retail market. In such a situation, people have to spend Rs 75 to 80 to buy 100 grams of cumin. 

Farmers of Rajasthan cultivate cumin on a large scale.

Traders have said that after the arrival of the new crop of cumin, the prices will fall. At present there is a huge gap between demand and supply in the markets. For this reason, instead of decreasing, the prices are increasing. At the same time, experts have said that many stockists have stored cumin illegally. Due to this, there has been a huge shortage of cumin in the market. In such a situation, due to less supply, prices are continuously increasing. Let us tell you that the highest production of cumin in India is in Gujarat. After this, farmers in Rajasthan cultivate cumin the most.

 Electric current is being given to plants at this place, what is the reason?

Electric current is being given to plants at this place, what is the reason?

For your information, let us tell you that scientists say that if this technology is successful, then it will be spread all over the world very soon. He also said that with its help they can also deal with the global food crisis. 

Agriculture is changing rapidly. People are producing more crops than expected through modern agriculture. However, farmers also use various types of experiments for this. In this article, we will tell you about one such experiment. The most important thing is that if this experiment is successful then very soon you can get to eat vegetables without fertilizers and chemicals. To make them grow and develop quickly, they are being given electric shocks instead of chemical fertilizers.

An experiment is being conducted at Imperial College London

This is a type of experiment which is being conducted at Imperial College London. Here, a project on plant morphogenesis uses hydrogel cubes with electrodes to transform vertical farming. In fact, during this experiment, the fluidity in the network structure present in these translucent cubes is maintained stable. Let us tell you that for this, mild electric shocks are given to these hydrogel cubes. After that, due to this, green leaves emerge from the small air tunnels present in the lab. 

Also read: Vertical farming can produce produce in less space and less time.

Scientists said that this technology will spread across the world

Scientists say that if this technology is successful then it will be spread all over the world very soon. Let us tell you that this technology is being described as very brilliant by scientists. He says that with its help they can also deal with the global food crisis. The biggest thing is that by using it the vegetables will be chemical free which will be much better for health. Also, for countries like India and China where the population is very high, this technology will be very beneficial for them. With the help of this technology, farmers will be able to grow vegetables in abundance in their fields as well as in small places. Even for urban farmers who do farming in terrace gardens, this technology will prove to be very helpful. 

Brinjal farming: complete information about brinjal farming

Brinjal farming: complete information about brinjal farming

Farmers can earn good profit by cultivating brinjals. For this, they need to take care of a few things. Brinjal also contains iron, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin A-B-C. Brinjal is mainly cultivated as a vegetable. Let us know that if cultivated with these scientific processes, better yield is obtained. Farmers can earn good profit from this. Brinjal can be cultivated and used three times in a year. June-July for preparing nursery and July- August for sowing are the best months. Brinjal crops need good water channels and Sandy- loamy soil.

Preparation of brinjal farm

First ploughing should be done by soil turning plough. After that, make a bridge after treating 3-4 times by Harrow and using traditional plough. Before 10 to 15 days of sowing, land should be mixed with rotten cow dung or slurry manure. In the last ploughing, first 120 grams of nitrogen, 60 gram phosphorus and 80 grams of potash should be mixed then half nitrogen, whole phosphorus and potash should be mixed.

Read  also: complete knowledge about brinjal farming. 

Preparation of nursery is much important for brinjal production 

Let us tell you that 400-500 grams seed and 300 grams of hybrid seeds are considered suitable for per hectare of brinjal crop. Before sowing, seeds should be treated with trichoderma. Where the nursery is prepared, that land must be dug perfectly. Rotten cow dung manure should be mixed after removing weeds, so that the land has an adequate amount of organisms. Add 8 to 10 grams of trichoderma per metre square to kill land borne disease. Construct 15-20 beds(one metre wide and three metres long) to prepare the plants. Sow the seeds at a distance of 5 cm upto a depth of 1 cm in a series. 

Plucking and production of brinjal 

Fruits should be plucked when they acquire complete shape and good colour. Production of brinjal depends upon variety and the climate. Approximately, 250-500 quintals per hectare produce can be obtained on an average.

Read also: insects won't be able to attack on new variety of brinjal, farmers can earn good profit while producing

Sowing of brinjal 

For your reference, let us tell you that plants with 4 leaves of 12-15 cm long are considered suitable to be sown. Along with this, the sowing must be done in the evening. A distance of 60x60 cm from the plant must be maintained. Shower a little water after sowing. Crop should be irrigated every 12-15 days. Weeding and hoeing must be done before completion of crops.

Farmers can earn good profit by cultivating chillies

Farmers can earn good profit by cultivating chillies

Chillies are very good for eating. Capsaicin chemical makes it very spicy, that is why it is used in many spices. Chillies are used in making sauce, pickles and medicines. Chillies contain adequate amounts of vitamin A, C, phosphorus and calcium. Chilli is a cash product which can be grown in any climate. By producing chillies, farmers can gain a good profit. To cultivate chillies, loamy and Sandy soil with better water channels are required, which contains high carbon content. Soils with salts and alkalis are not good for it. Farms should be prepared by ploughing 3-4 times. 1.25 to 1.50 kg of seeds are required to cultivate per hectare of land.

Seeding of chilli plants 

Let you know that per bed, mix 50 grams of forate and rotten cow dung. Treat seeds with 2 grams of Agrosan GN, thiram or the captain chemical per kilogram. Sow seeds in a queue at a distance of one inch and cover them with soil and manure. Top should be covered with straw and weeds. After the germination of seeds, weeds should be removed. Chilli plants can be sown in 25 to 35 days. Chillies should always be sown at night. During sowing, there should be a gap of 45 cm between plants and queues. Green chilli starts giving fruits in  85-95 days. Dry Red chilli should be plucked after 140-150 days when chillies become red.

Read this also:  farmers can soon earn good profit by cultivating chillies, this will be the expense

Amount of fertiliser and manure in farm

Per hectare needs 200 quintal cow dung and compost, 100 quintal nitrogen, 50 quintal phosphorus and 60 quintal potash. Before sowing, whole part of phosphorus should be given with half part nitrogen in compost. After that, the remaining amount should be given 2 times. If it rains less, then irrigation should be done in a time interval of 10 to 15 days. Crops should be irrigated after the arrival of fruits and flowers. If not irrigated, flowers and fruits become weak and small.  Plants should be kept free from weeds to achieve better production.

Farmers are disappointed with the absence of e-kharid of parmal paddy

Farmers are disappointed with the absence of e-kharid of parmal paddy

The administration has stopped purchasing parmal paddy through the e-Kharid portal due to the possibility of the varieties parmal paddy from other states in grain mandis. Because of this, the farmers whose parmal paddy is still lying in the fields are quite upset. The administration has stopped the purchase  of parmal paddy through the e-Kharid portal due to the arrival of parmal paddy varieties from other states in the grain mandis of Karnal district in Haryana. For this reason, the farmers whose parmal paddy is still lying in the fields, are stuck in a lot of difficulty. According to media reports, the farmers have alleged that this step of the administration can force them to sell to sell their crops at very less prices to private buyers. Also, the authorities have claimed that the work of harvesting in the district has been completed.

 Also, they feared that some traders in the district's grain mandis can bring paddy from other states and sell it on MSP. There is a demand of farmers, whether the paddy crop is lying in the fields or not, after examining this, the officers should start purchasing paddy. According to the report, the registration of Parmal Paddy (MSP Rs 2,203 per quintal) is currently being registered on the e-NAM portal instead of e-Kharid. In place of government agencies, their production is currently being purchased by private buyers.

97 lakh quintals of Parmal Paddy have arrived

So far, about 97 lakh quintals of Parmal paddy have come in Karnal district. At the same time, the arrival of last year was about 107 lakh quintals. Puneet Goyal of Zarifabad said that, "After the flood, I cultivated the parmal type of paddy on nine acres. Currently, during harvesting, I came to know that the purchase has been stopped. The government should come to the ground and look at the paddy which is still in the fields, it should be purchased. ” Another farmer Nirvar Singh said that the harvesting of the parmal type of paddy is yet to be harvested in eight acres. He alleged that private buyers will buy production below MSP

Also read: good harvesting of crops, just have to take care of these things

Paddy purchase will be in less MSP

According to the news, a senior official said that this step has been taken to prevent traders from bringing paddy from outside the state. "We will ensure that no paddy is bought below MSP. Instructions have been given to the officers in this regard." He said, "There is hardly any crop in the fields across the district." Significantly, to sell Parmal Paddy, currently farmers have to register on the e-Nam portal instead of e-Kharid portal. Also, instead of government agencies, the produce is now being purchased by private buyers.

 Under this scheme, help will be available for grading-packaging of crops

Under this scheme, help will be available for grading-packaging of crops

To encourage the infrastructure of farming, a state level conclave is being organised on 24 November at Peterhoff in Shimla, the capital of Himachal Pradesh. Agriculture Minister Prof. More than 160 different stakeholders related to Agriculture -Bagwani will participate in this conclave to be chaired by Chandra Kumar. The Central Government is running the "Agriculture Infrastructure Fund Scheme" to strengthen the farmers of India financially and connect them with rural industry. Under this scheme, a state level conclave is being organised on Friday (November 24) in Peterhoff in Shimla, capital of Himachal Pradesh, to encourage the infrastructure of agriculture. Agriculture Minister Prof. More than 160 different stakeholders related to the Agricultural -Bagwani region will participate in this conclave to be chaired by Chandra Kumar.

Due to this conclave, various stakeholders will be provided detailed information about the Agriculture Infrastructure Fund of the Government of India. Agriculture Secretary Himachal Pradesh Sea Palarasu has said that for funding of agricultural infrastructure projects on behalf of the central government on behalf of the Central Government for the finance of farmgate and collection points, primary agricultural cooperative reviews, peasant organisations , agricultural entrepreneurs, startups etc. A provision of 1 lakh crore has been made.

What has the Agriculture Secretary said about this

The Agriculture Secretary has said that with the development of cold chain infrastructure under this fund, formagate infrastructure which will provide help to establish sorting, grading and packaging facilities in the fields itself. Apart from this, financial assistance will also be provided in the field of logistics and transport. He informed that along with private institutions for this fund, FPOs, PACS, self -help groups, JLG, cooperative societies, union of cooperative societies, union of cooperative societies of state and national level, FPOs of FPO and Union of SHG will be eligible beneficiaries. Explain that in this conclave, all the stakeholders including Agriculture and Horticulture Department, Marketing Board, NABARD, SLVC and LDMs, heads of banks, Industries Department, CA, Agricultural Entrepreneur and other stakeholders have been invited to be specially invited. The joint secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India and his team will also participate prominently in the Conclave.

What do you understand by agricultural infrastructure fund

This is an important initiative released by the Government of India to encourage the infrastructure of agriculture. The project will continue from 2020-21 to 2032-33. Also, the work of loan disbursement will be completed in the initial 6 years under this i.e. by 2026. The main objective of the Agricultural Infrastructure Fund is to increase basic facilities for the collection and marketing of agricultural produce. By modernising storage facilities, reducing the loss after harvesting and providing an uninterrupted supply chain to provide farmers yield to the markets effectively. Under this project, along with private institutions, FPOs, PACS, self -support groups, JLG, cooperative reviews, union of cooperative reviews of state and national level will be the Union of FPOs of FPOs and Union Union eligible beneficiaries.

Scientific way to protect guava crop from these two diseases

Scientific way to protect guava crop from these two diseases

Two diseases occurrs in guava crop, fruit fly and millets can completely harm the crop. To control this, farmers will have to take care of various things from changing the crop cycle. Guava is a very popular fruit, guava is produced by most of the farmers in India. If seen, due to the economic and commercial importance of guava, the interest of the farmers here is increasing towards it. 

In such a situation, today we have brought information to the farmers about the diseases occurring in the guava crop and its prevention. According to Dr Amit Kumar Goswami, a scientist at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), the biggest problem in guava is the fruit fly in the rainy season. The best way to do this is to change the crop cycle Most people also call it outside control.

How often guava bear fruits?

Guavas flower twice and bear fruit only twice. The flowers of the rain-fed crops come in the month of April. If the farmers pluck those flowers in the month of April, then the fruit fly can be controlled. There are only two ways: either prune it or spray a solution of 10 per cent urea in it. At the same time, if farmers are not able to do this, then their second method is pheromane trap.

How to control fruit fly disease 

Pusa scientist Dr Amit Kumar Goswami said that the fruit in guava is a fly. For its prevention the traps of methyl yanal are currently available in the market. Along with the pheromane trap, these baggins are also available nowadays, which is a poly profinal tube. If these are also not available with the farmers, then they can also use the envelope. It is also known as methyl ynol trap as well as phiran trap. 

For this the farmers have to take special care that the chemicals kept in the pheromone trap have to be changed at an interval of 15-21 days. Actually, it contains a solution of pheromane, methyl uzanyl and spinosus. After this you have to do bagging after 30-45 days, by which the fruit will be of the shape of plum. By doing this the attack of fruit fly will be controlled.

The Buckeye disease affecting guava crop

At the same time,in present, other problems have also started to come in the guava crop, which is Mili Bakki. This is such a disease in which the farmers will see insects in the guava leaves like white cotton. To control this, make a solution of any laundry powder and spray it on it. After that you spray the solution on it at the rate of about 2 mL per liter of carbosulfan.

Good news: Punjab government increased the price of sugarcane crop to 391 rupees per quintal

Good news: Punjab government increased the price of sugarcane crop to 391 rupees per quintal

In the present, sugarcane Farmers will get more price than before. Punjab has been the maximum price giving state for sugarcane in India. The Punjab government has taken a big decision for the benefit of farmers. There is good news for sugarcane cultivators from the State government. The government has announced to increase the rates of sugarcane. In the present, 391 rupees per quintal will be given to the state's sugarcane Farmers accordingly. 

Apart from this, Punjab has now become the highest payer to sugarcane farmers in india. States like Haryana and others come after Punjab in this list. In paying highest to sugarcane, Punjab is at the first position and second position is acquired by Haryana. 386 rupees per quintal is given for sugarcane in Haryana. UP and Uttarakhand farmers are paid at the rate of 350 rupees per quintal. 

Farmers will get profit of this much rupees per quintal 

For your knowledge, let you know that state farmers have been demanding to increase the price of sugarcane for the past many days. State had been paying 380 rupees per quintal which has been increased to 391 rupees in present. At present, farmers will be getting 11 rupees extra per quintal after this decision. The Punjab government has decided this after the demands of farmers of the state. 

It will be proven as a beneficial decision to farmers 

Sugarcane farmers were demanding an increase in the price for a very long time. Government considering the demands of farmers, undertook this decision, for which farmers have also protested in past days. After this decision, the representative of farmers had a conversation with the chief minister of Punjab and the government assured them a hike in price. Along with this, demands of farmers was to increase the price upto 450 rupees per quintal. According to reports, after this decision of the Punjab government, Farmers will get more benefits. Let you know, after this decision along with the increase in wages of farmers, their financial condition will also improve a lot