

 Use fertilisers in mustard crops like this

Use fertilisers in mustard crops like this

Mustard can be cultivated easily through mixed form and multi -cropped crop cycle. Mustard is cultivated by farmers from most states of India. Also, like other crops, mustard also requires nutrients, so that farmers can get its great yield. Mustard is a major oilseed crop of Rabi, which has a major place in India's economy. Mustard (Laha) is becoming very popular for farmers. Because, less irrigation and cost is more profitable than other crops.

Farmers can cultivate it in mixed form and in multi -crop crop cycle. From the point of view of the area in India, it is cultivated in UP, Haryana, West Bengal, Gujarat, Assam, Jharkhand, Bihar, Punjab, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. Like other crops, 17 nutrients are required to grow the mustard crop and give great yield. If there is a shortage of any one of the nutrients, then the plants are not able to produce with their full capacity.

Along with nitrogen, phosphorus, potash and sulphur sulphur, adequate amounts of subtle elements (calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper and manganese) are also received. Mustard class plants receive a large amount of sulphur in contrast to other oilseed crops. In both dry and irrigated stages inside the rye -cosmus crop, the results have been achieved by the use of fertilisers and fertilisers.

What is the amount of chemical fertilisers in mustard crop

Using a balanced amount of chemical fertilisers to take a rich production of rye -masters has a very good effect on yield. Using fertilisers on the basis of soil testing will prove more useful. In addition to primary elements like Nitrogen, Sulphur and Potash, rye -masters are required more than other crops. Use of fertilisers in normal mustard nitrogen 120 kg, phosphorus 60 kg in irrigated areas. And potash is 60 kg . Using at the rate of per hectare causes a great yield.

Also read: Spray pesticide to prevent Mahu Pest in mustard crop

What amount of phosphorus should be used

The use of phosphorus is more beneficial on single super phosphate. This also leads to the availability of sulphur. If single super phosphate is not used, then 40 kg to make sulphur available. Sulphur should be used at the rate of per hectare. Also, half the amount of appropriate fertilisers in unirrigated areas should be used on the basis of basal dressing.

If D.A.P. If used, then 200 kg at the time of sowing with it. Using at the rate of gypsum per hectare is beneficial for the crop. Also, to achieve spectacular production, rotten cow dung should be used at the rate of 60 quintals per hectare. Half the amount of nitrogen in irrigated areas and 2-3 cm from seeds in garbage at the time of sowing of phosphate and potash. Give below the barber or chogs below. The remaining amount of nitrogen should be given by top dressing after first irrigation (25-30 days after sowing).

Detailed information on crucial aspects of wheat cultivation.

Detailed information on crucial aspects of wheat cultivation.

Wheat is sown beginning from October. Wheat farming may be profitable if all aspects of the process, from seeding to harvesting, are done correctly.

As we all know, the Kharif season is currently underway. After harvesting this season's crops, farmers will begin seeding Rabi season crops. Wheat is one of the key Rabi crops, therefore farmers may increase productivity by keeping a few things in mind. India has achieved significant progress in wheat production during the previous four decades. Wheat output has climbed from 12.26 million tonnes in 1964-65 to a record high of 107.18 million tonnes in 2019-20. To ensure food and nutritional security for India's population, wheat output and productivity must be increased on a constant basis. India's population is expected to reach 1.4 billion by 2025.The predicted demand for wheat by 2025 is roughly 117 million tonnes. To attain this aim, new technologies will need to be created. Testing novel kinds with high fertility can help attain optimum output capacity.

Major Wheat producing states in India

For your reference, the northern Ganga-Indus plains are India's most fertile and high-producing wheat areas. In reality, the largest wheat-producing states in this region include Delhi, Rajasthan (save for the Kota and Udaipur divisions), Western Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Uttarakhand's Terai region, Jammu and Kathua districts of Jammu and Kashmir, and Una district of Himachal Pradesh. Ponta valley is included. Wheat is grown on over 12.33 million hectares of land in this area. Wheat production amounts to around 57.83 million tonnes.The average wheat production in this area is 44.50 quintals per hectare. At the same time, by implementing the recommended wheat technologies in front-line wheat demonstrations held on farmers' fields, a yield of 51.85 quintal/hectare may be reached. In recent years, superior wheat cultivars HD 3086 and HD 2967 have been seeded extensively in this area. However, to replace these types, high-production and disease-resistant cultivars such as DBW 187, DBW 222, and HD 3226 have been widely promoted.

Also read: How farmers may increase wheat yields by managing the crop properly.

Use these HYV seeds for high yield

The selection of varieties is a crucial choice in wheat agriculture since it determines how much will be produced. New disease-resistant cultivars with great production capacity should constantly be chosen. For irrigated and timely planting, use DBW 303, WH 1270, and PBW 723; for irrigated and late sowing, use DBW 173, DBW 71, PBW 771, WH 1124, DBW 90, and HD 3059. At the same time, the HD 3298 cultivar has been found for seeding across longer distances. The WH 1142 cultivar may be used for restricted irrigation and timely seeding. Sowing timing, seed rate, and the proper amount of fertiliser. Using cow dung manure at the rate of 4-6 tonnes/acre during field preparation 15-20 days before planting wheat enhances the fertiliser power of the soil.

Sowing is done with zero tillage and turbo happy seeder.

In the paddy-wheat cropping system, planting wheat with zero tillage is a practical and useful practice. After paddy harvesting, wheat is seeded without ploughing using a zero till drill machine, taking use of the land's stored moisture. Where paddy is harvested late. This machine is proven to be really useful there. This gadget is quite beneficial even in water-logged locations. This is the most effective and efficient technique of managing paddy crop residues. This type of wheat planting produces an equivalent or greater yield than traditional sowing while also preventing crop fall.By retaining crop leftovers on the surface, moisture is kept in the root zone of the plants for a longer period of time, thus temperature increases have no negative effect on production and weeds are decreased. Irrigation management is crucial in wheat agriculture.

The need for proper irrigation for wheat cultivation.

Let us tell you that a wheat crop takes five to six irrigations to get maximum productivity. Irrigation should be done based on water availability, soil type, and plant demands. The wheat crop's life cycle is divided into three stages: adventitious roots (21 days), initial node formation (65 days), and grain production (85 days), all of which require watering. If there is enough water for irrigation, the first irrigation should be done on the 21st day, followed by five irrigations spaced 20 days apart. New irrigation systems, such as the sprinkler or drip method, are also particularly effective for wheat farming.

They have been used in poorly irrigated locations for quite some time. However, even in water-rich places, water may be saved by using these methods. It is also possible to obtain good productivity. The Central and State governments also offer funds in the form of subsidies for these irrigation systems. Farmer brothers should use these systems to fulfil their national responsibility for irrigation water management.

Shri Yogendra Kumar, the IFFCO Marketing Director, was chosen unopposed as MSCS President.

Shri Yogendra Kumar, the IFFCO Marketing Director, was chosen unopposed as MSCS President.

We delightfully inform you, IFFCO Marketing Director Yogendra Kumar was chosen unopposed as President of the newly created national-level Multi State Seed Cooperative Society in the elections held on Thursday.

Yogendra Kumar was chosen during the seed cooperative society's first annual general meeting, which was held at the IFFCO headquarters in Saket. KRIBHCO Chairman Chandra Pal Singh Yadav and NCDC MD Pankaj Bansal proposed and seconded Yogendra Kumar. Smt. Suman Kumari, Assistant Registrar, has been selected as the returning officer for this election.

Also read: IFFCO's bio-fertilizer can help farmers improve crop quality and productivity.

The cooperative societies involved in the ambitious initiative include IFFCO, KRIBHCO, NAFED, and two government-aided agencies, NDDB and NCDC. The board members were NAFED Chairman Bijendra Singh, KRIBHCO Chairman Chandra Pal Singh, NDDB Chairman and MD Meenesh Shah, and NCDC MD Pankaj Kumar Bansal.

IFFCO Chairman Dilipbhai Sanghani greeted Yogendra Kumar on social media, writing, 'Hearty congratulations and best wishes to Yogendra Kumar, Marketing Director, IFFCO, on his appointment as Chairman of National Seed Cooperative Society Limited.'

Also read: IFFCO Bazaar's collaboration with the SBI Yono Krishi App

In fact, as soon as Yogendra Kumar's election news was announced, there was an outpouring of congratulations on social media. The inhabitants of the cooperative world congratulated him immediately. IFFCO MD Dr. U.S. Awasthi, as well as several junior and senior fertilizer firm personnel, congratulated Yogendra Kumar on his success. V.K. Tomar, a former KRIBHCO general manager, was serving as the Seed Cooperative Society's part-time CEO. The CEO's full-time appointment is expected to take place soon. "We got applications from 2000 packs to join the seed cooperative association. "This issue will be discussed at the next meeting," Tomar informed an Indian Co-operation journalist.

Yogendra Kumar has over 36 years of experience in cooperative organizations, holding various roles. He earned a bachelor's degree in agriculture from Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology in Kanpur.

Also  read: IFFCO lowers the price of NP fertilizer for farmers throughout the country.

He is well known for his dynamism, which is clearly reflected in his work. He has played an important role in the development of IFFCO's Sagarika product. During his journey, Kumar has also made significant contributions to the promotion of Neem with the aim of increasing the production of Neem oil and many other useful Neem based products.

Seed Cooperative Society, established under the Multi State Cooperative Societies (MSCS) Act of 2002, would serve as the primary organisation for quality seed production, procurement, processing, branding, labelling, packaging, storage, marketing, and distribution. It will also create a structure for strategic research and development, as well as the protection and promotion of indigenous natural seed varieties.

Brinjal farming: complete information about brinjal farming

Brinjal farming: complete information about brinjal farming

Farmers can earn good profit by cultivating brinjals. For this, they need to take care of a few things. Brinjal also contains iron, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin A-B-C. Brinjal is mainly cultivated as a vegetable. Let us know that if cultivated with these scientific processes, better yield is obtained. Farmers can earn good profit from this. Brinjal can be cultivated and used three times in a year. June-July for preparing nursery and July- August for sowing are the best months. Brinjal crops need good water channels and Sandy- loamy soil.

Preparation of brinjal farm

First ploughing should be done by soil turning plough. After that, make a bridge after treating 3-4 times by Harrow and using traditional plough. Before 10 to 15 days of sowing, land should be mixed with rotten cow dung or slurry manure. In the last ploughing, first 120 grams of nitrogen, 60 gram phosphorus and 80 grams of potash should be mixed then half nitrogen, whole phosphorus and potash should be mixed.

Read  also: complete knowledge about brinjal farming. 

Preparation of nursery is much important for brinjal production 

Let us tell you that 400-500 grams seed and 300 grams of hybrid seeds are considered suitable for per hectare of brinjal crop. Before sowing, seeds should be treated with trichoderma. Where the nursery is prepared, that land must be dug perfectly. Rotten cow dung manure should be mixed after removing weeds, so that the land has an adequate amount of organisms. Add 8 to 10 grams of trichoderma per metre square to kill land borne disease. Construct 15-20 beds(one metre wide and three metres long) to prepare the plants. Sow the seeds at a distance of 5 cm upto a depth of 1 cm in a series. 

Plucking and production of brinjal 

Fruits should be plucked when they acquire complete shape and good colour. Production of brinjal depends upon variety and the climate. Approximately, 250-500 quintals per hectare produce can be obtained on an average.

Read also: insects won't be able to attack on new variety of brinjal, farmers can earn good profit while producing

Sowing of brinjal 

For your reference, let us tell you that plants with 4 leaves of 12-15 cm long are considered suitable to be sown. Along with this, the sowing must be done in the evening. A distance of 60x60 cm from the plant must be maintained. Shower a little water after sowing. Crop should be irrigated every 12-15 days. Weeding and hoeing must be done before completion of crops.

Why should not the straw not burn? How will you know that your soil is alive or is lifeless?

Why should not the straw not burn? How will you know that your soil is alive or is lifeless?

Only the microorganisms (microbes) found in the upper surface of your soil determine that your soil is alive or lifeless, lifeless soil is called barren land. Due to burning of paddy straw, the microorganisms found in the soil die due to excessive heat, due to which the soil becomes barren. This fact needs to be promoted to reduce the problem of stubble burning. No smart and conscious farmers will make their soil barren themselves. For immediate benefits and due to lack of information, they are causing their own loss. In determining that the soil is alive or lifeless, it involves assessing its biological, chemical and physical characteristics. The soil is a complex ecosystem that is formed by combining diverse communities of organisms, from microorganisms to large organisms. This dynamic environment plays an important role in supporting the life of plants and maintaining ecological balance. We will detect various indicators and factors that help us understand the living nature of the soil.

1. Biological indicators

The soil is full of life, and a major indicator of its life is the presence of microorganisms. Bacteria, fungi, protozoa and nematodes are essential components of soil health. These organisms contribute to nutritious cycles, organic matter decomposition and disease suppression. Soil tests, such as microbial biomass and activity assay, provide insight into the abundance and diversity of these microorganisms.

Also read: The importance of natural farming and what are its benefits.

 Earthworms are another important biological indicator. Their hole digging activities increase soil composition, aeration and water infiltration. The presence and variety of earthworms indicate a healthy and biologically active soil.

2. Chemical Indicators

The chemical composition of the soil also reveals its vibrancy. The characteristic of living soil is a balanced nutrient that supports the growth of plants. PH, nutrient levels (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc.), and soil testing for organic matter content helps to assess soil fertility and the ability to maintain the life of plants. Organic matter derived from disintegrated plants and animal materials is a major component of living soil. It provides nutrients, improves water retention and supports microbial activity. High organic matter material is a sign of lively and biologically active soil.

3. Physical Indicator

The physical structure of the soil affects its vibrancy. The structure of a healthy soil allows proper drainage, root entry and air circulation. Soil sets formed by binding of particles contribute to a well -structured soil.

Also read: In the country of diversities, soil is also found separately, know which soil is the most fertile? 

By observing the soil texture (sand, silt, soil), information about its physical properties can be found. Living soils often have diverse textures, which promotes a balanced mixture of drainage and water retention. The narrow or poor structured soil indicates a lack of biological activity.

4. Health of plants

The health and vitality of plants growing in the soil is a direct indicator of the vibrancy of the soil. The growth of green and vigorous plants indicates rich and biologically active soil. In contrast, stagnant growth, yellow leaves, or increasing sensitivity to diseases indicate soil problems. Mycorrhiza plays an important role in taking nutrients, creating a symbiotic relationship with the roots of plants. The presence of mycorrhiza is an indicator of a living soil ecosystem that supports plant-length interactions.

Also read: Our soil growing towards better production from less fertile power

5. Soil respiration

Measuring soil respiratory rate provides direct evaluation of microbial activity. Microorganisms consume organic materials in the soil, release carbon dioxide through respiration. The high soil respiratory rate indicates an active microbial community and contributes to the cycle of nutrients.


In conclusion, to determine whether the soil is alive or not, it involves a comprehensive analysis of its biological, chemical and physical characteristics. Organic indicators such as microorganisms and earthworms, nutrient levels and organic matters such as chemical indicators and physical indicators such as the structure of soil collectively contribute to the evaluation. Additionally, observing the health of the plant and performing soil respiratory testing provides valuable information about the dynamic and living nature of the soil. Overall, a holistic approach that considers multiple indicators is necessary for the intensive understanding of the soil livelihood.

Central Chemical and Fertilisers Minister Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya Inaugurated the 59th annual seminar 2023 of Fertiliser Association of India

Central Chemical and Fertilisers Minister Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya Inaugurated the 59th annual seminar 2023 of Fertiliser Association of India

“The Indian agricultural sector has achieved the dual purpose of providing help and emerging support, agricultural facilities and fertilisers  to 14 crore farmer families when needed and coming out as a strong power under the competent and visionary leadership of honourable Prime minister Shri Narendra Modi. In this way, the Indian agricultural sector is playing a vital role in shaping the global market”. This has been stated today by the central minister of the Ministry of Chemical and Fertilisers and the Health and Family Welfare minister Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya in the inaugural ceremony of 59th annual seminar 2023 of the Indian fertility Association. Theme of the gathering was “Innovation in the fertiliser and agricultural sector”.

Dr. Mandaviya put light on works done by the central government in the Fertiliser sector. Central Chemical and Fertilisers Minister Dr. Mandaviya stated, “the government is increasing its help to small and marginal farmers, giving priorities to their welfare and in this way, they are fulfilling the aims of national food security”. In the last 2-3 years, the Indian government has kept the Fertiliser availability rate stable at Maximum retail price ( MRP), which has decreased the impact of increasing price of products at global standards. It led to record production of agriculture and the Fertiliser expense also remained stable as compared to fall in global expenses. He also stated that the government has taken active steps to strengthen domestic production and to stop leakage and diversion, as a result of which, record production has been observed.

There has been increase in urea production in India

“3 million tons of urea capacity have been revived and in the upcoming few years, more capacity is expected to start.” Mr. Central minister spoke about the government's steps towards self-reliance. He stated that the government is working for the prevention of phosphoric and potashik sectors and Indian companies are being motivated towards participation in foreign enterprises, mining and long term strategic partnership. He also focused on improving the soil health with the help of balanced nutrition, production of technically better products, durable agriculture systems and about taking technology from laboratories to Lands of farmers. 

Dr. Mandaviya said that under the PM-PRANAM initiative, people have started the campaign of durable and sustainable use of fertiliser, accepting alternative fertilisers, giving rise to organic farming and protection of Mother Earth by implementing conservation of resource technologies.

Mr. Central minister also talked about the recent technical developments in the Indian agricultural sector. He stated that India is the first country to showcase nano-fertilisers like Nano-DAP and Nano-Urea. He said- “it is one of the unique technologies of its type in the world and can bring revolutionary changes in nutrient application practices on earth.” He also put stress on the recently initiated “Namo drone Didi” Yojna of honourable prime minister Shri Narendra Modi, which will help farmers in getting drone spraying services at lower prices.

Dr. Mandaviya encouraged Indian companies to grow and develop smart nutrients like slow releasing, coated and liquid fertiliser, which can improve the direction of use of nutrients. According to him, the government is working on improving the reach of companies and making cost effective solutions with drone developers, service providers and agricultural companies. He also focused on the 2 lakh model retail stores made by the Central government named Prime Minister Kisan Samriddhi Kendra (PMDC), which works as a one-stop solution for all agricultural practices. 

Concluding his statement, he called the fertiliser fraternity to move towards green ways of Fertiliser production and to participate in aiming towards reducing global fertiliser crises. He promised to provide support to the central government in maintaining strong coordination and communication between farmers, government and companies.

During his ceremony, Central Minister acknowledged the excellence of companies, scientists and other people's contribution to micronutrients, biofertilizers, environmental performance, protection, marketing and advertising and also awarded them for their contribution in research and development. Towards growth in agricultural productivity. The Indian Fertiliser Association issued three orders: fertiliser (acarbonic, organic or mixed)(control) order, 1985; content statistics 2022-23; and also issued special fertiliser and micronutrients statistics in 2022-23.

The Central Minister also inaugurated an exhibition, where 56 exhibitors showcased their achievements and service in the sector of agriculture and fertiliser. 

The Secretary (fertiliser) Shri Rajat Kumar Mishra, and other senior government officials were also present in this event. Fertiliser Association of India (FAI) chairman Shri N Suresh Krishnan, Vice-chairman Shri S C Mehta, and Director General Shri Arvind Choudhary were also present.

Direction guidelines from Pusa scientists for Rabi season crops like wheat and mustard

Direction guidelines from Pusa scientists for Rabi season crops like wheat and mustard

Pusa agricultural scientists have put an advisory for the farming of wheat in rabi season. In which they pointed out that those farmers with 21-25 days wheat crops should go with first irrigation within the upcoming 5 days.  After 3-4 days of irrigation, second fertilisers should be put in. According to agricultural scientists, considering the temperature, farmers are advised to sow the late wheat crops as soon as possible. Sowing rates to be kept 125 kilograms of seeds per hectare. It's advanced species are HD 3059, HD 3237, HD 3271, HD 3369, HD 3117, WR 544 and PBW 373.

Must do seed treatment 

Before sowing seeds should be treated with bavistin @1.0 gram or thiram @2.0 gram per hectare. For your knowledge, in farms infected with termites, chlorpyrifos (20 ec) @5.0 litres per hectare should be spread with paleva or in dry farms. The amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilisers to be kept is 80, 40 and 40 kilograms per hectare. 

Rarefaction of mustard crops must be done on priority.

Weed control and rarefaction should be done in lately sown mustard crops. Considering fall in average temperature, mustard crops should specially be taken care of for white rust disease. Rotten/fermented dung and potash fertilisers must be used before sowing onion crops in prepared farms in this season. Potatoes and tomatoes are more prone to blight disease because of heavy moisture in the air. That's why, look carefully for crops. In case of symptoms, spray 2gram dithane-M-45 in per litre of Water. 

Farmers should check regularly for leaf feeding insects 

For your interest, farmers who have prepared a nursery of tomato, cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. They can show their plants considering the weather. Cauliflower and cabbage family plants should specially be taken care of leaf feeding insects. If they are in large numbers, then spray BT @1 gram per litre of water or sponosade medicine @1.0 ml per 3 litres of water. In this weather, farmers must get rid of weeds with the help of weeding-hoeing practice. Vegetable crops should be irrigated and then fertilisers should be put in.

How farmers should manage stubble remains 

Farmers are advised not to burn the remains (stubble) of kharif crops(paddy). This results in polluting the environment too much. The smog produced by this does not allow complete sunlight to reach crops and farms. It affects the photosynthesis and evaporation in plants which leads to low food production in plants. It also affects the amount of produce and quality of produce. Farmers are advised to mix or dig the remaining paddy stubble in soil, it increases the fertility of soil.

 Central government has allowed to open fertilizers and seed shops after passing 10th standard

Central government has allowed to open fertilizers and seed shops after passing 10th standard

Youngsters who have passed 10th standard can now learn about Fertilizer and seeds and open fertilizer and seed shops. This is a special initiative by the central government.

To support the fertilizers seed sector of India the government has changed some rules and regulations to create more employment opportunities. From now on 10th pass people can also do fertilizer seed business. The government has prepared a 15 day educational course after completion of which young people can open fertilizer seed shops. 

In the agricultural sector from now on along with the graduated youth the 10th pass youth can also do fertilizer seed business. This step will help generate employment. The government has provided a lot of facilities in the seed Fertilizer industry this would help the youth to become self sufficient and independent. It good also benefit a lot in the agricultural sector by opening up new opportunities.

Farmers will earn more than invested

The method to invest less and gain a lot of profit in the seed fertilizer business has completely changed in the present time. Nowadays to enter the seat fertilizer business unit to get a licence and follow complete set of rules. To to be eligible for business purposes you need to deposit 12 500 rupees in fertilizers seed Kendra as fee. Completion of this course is compulsory anyone who does not complete this course will not be given a licence. Specialist say that this step will make the sellers experience and will help them grodar business. There are a lot of opportunities for agriculture related jobs.

10th pass person can open a seed and fertilizer Store

The Kisan Kalyan Vibhag has made an important decision. Presently to open a seed fertilizer Store Bsc agriculture or diploma in agriculture is compulsory but from now on 10th pass people can also open seed fertilizer stores. From now 10th pass youth can sell pesticides, fertilizer , feed etc. Because this compulsion of completing a BSc or diploma has been completely waveed off.