
mustard crop

  Management of white rust of mustard crop

Management of white rust of mustard crop

Mustard crops get affected by various diseases. Due to which farmers get less yield. White rust disease causes too much damage to crops.Today in this article we will give you information about prevention of white rust so that you can control this disease in time. 

Some important instruction to prevent white rust in mustard crop are given below : 

Sowing correct seeds :

First of all you have to be cautious about selecting healthy seeds which are free from diseases for sowing the crop. By selecting the healthy seeds, disease will not be there in the crop. 

Sowing crops on time : 

Sowing of mustard should be done on time so that chances of disease in crops will be less. Late sowed crops have more chances of catching diseases. Many times this disease becomes more frequent due to which the half of the yield is reduced to half.

Proper water irrigation : 

Manage water irrigation properly so that water does not accumulate on plants, which will reduce the chances of white rust. The disease becomes more common in crops due to excess moisture. 


Use of appropriate fungicides : 

Use appropriate fungicides for prevention of white rust in mustard. Consult an agronomist and choose safe pesticides.

Caring of crop : 


For taking care of crops, take care of plants from time to time and from the roots. 


Remove affected plants : 

If there are any signs of white rust on any of the plants, uproot them immediately and bury them in the soil to avoid any further spread of the disease. 

Use appropriate technical methods, like managing irrigation and nutrition based on the local conditions, climate and weather conditions. By following the steps, white rust in mustard crops can be prevented. Keep in mind that it is always best to consult the local agricultural department or agronomist to ensure that you have information on control measures best for your area. 

 Use fertilisers in mustard crops like this

Use fertilisers in mustard crops like this

Mustard can be cultivated easily through mixed form and multi -cropped crop cycle. Mustard is cultivated by farmers from most states of India. Also, like other crops, mustard also requires nutrients, so that farmers can get its great yield. Mustard is a major oilseed crop of Rabi, which has a major place in India's economy. Mustard (Laha) is becoming very popular for farmers. Because, less irrigation and cost is more profitable than other crops.

Farmers can cultivate it in mixed form and in multi -crop crop cycle. From the point of view of the area in India, it is cultivated in UP, Haryana, West Bengal, Gujarat, Assam, Jharkhand, Bihar, Punjab, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. Like other crops, 17 nutrients are required to grow the mustard crop and give great yield. If there is a shortage of any one of the nutrients, then the plants are not able to produce with their full capacity.

Along with nitrogen, phosphorus, potash and sulphur sulphur, adequate amounts of subtle elements (calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper and manganese) are also received. Mustard class plants receive a large amount of sulphur in contrast to other oilseed crops. In both dry and irrigated stages inside the rye -cosmus crop, the results have been achieved by the use of fertilisers and fertilisers.

What is the amount of chemical fertilisers in mustard crop

Using a balanced amount of chemical fertilisers to take a rich production of rye -masters has a very good effect on yield. Using fertilisers on the basis of soil testing will prove more useful. In addition to primary elements like Nitrogen, Sulphur and Potash, rye -masters are required more than other crops. Use of fertilisers in normal mustard nitrogen 120 kg, phosphorus 60 kg in irrigated areas. And potash is 60 kg . Using at the rate of per hectare causes a great yield.

Also read: Spray pesticide to prevent Mahu Pest in mustard crop

What amount of phosphorus should be used

The use of phosphorus is more beneficial on single super phosphate. This also leads to the availability of sulphur. If single super phosphate is not used, then 40 kg to make sulphur available. Sulphur should be used at the rate of per hectare. Also, half the amount of appropriate fertilisers in unirrigated areas should be used on the basis of basal dressing.

If D.A.P. If used, then 200 kg at the time of sowing with it. Using at the rate of gypsum per hectare is beneficial for the crop. Also, to achieve spectacular production, rotten cow dung should be used at the rate of 60 quintals per hectare. Half the amount of nitrogen in irrigated areas and 2-3 cm from seeds in garbage at the time of sowing of phosphate and potash. Give below the barber or chogs below. The remaining amount of nitrogen should be given by top dressing after first irrigation (25-30 days after sowing).

Direction guidelines from Pusa scientists for Rabi season crops like wheat and mustard

Direction guidelines from Pusa scientists for Rabi season crops like wheat and mustard

Pusa agricultural scientists have put an advisory for the farming of wheat in rabi season. In which they pointed out that those farmers with 21-25 days wheat crops should go with first irrigation within the upcoming 5 days.  After 3-4 days of irrigation, second fertilisers should be put in. According to agricultural scientists, considering the temperature, farmers are advised to sow the late wheat crops as soon as possible. Sowing rates to be kept 125 kilograms of seeds per hectare. It's advanced species are HD 3059, HD 3237, HD 3271, HD 3369, HD 3117, WR 544 and PBW 373.

Must do seed treatment 

Before sowing seeds should be treated with bavistin @1.0 gram or thiram @2.0 gram per hectare. For your knowledge, in farms infected with termites, chlorpyrifos (20 ec) @5.0 litres per hectare should be spread with paleva or in dry farms. The amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilisers to be kept is 80, 40 and 40 kilograms per hectare. 

Rarefaction of mustard crops must be done on priority.

Weed control and rarefaction should be done in lately sown mustard crops. Considering fall in average temperature, mustard crops should specially be taken care of for white rust disease. Rotten/fermented dung and potash fertilisers must be used before sowing onion crops in prepared farms in this season. Potatoes and tomatoes are more prone to blight disease because of heavy moisture in the air. That's why, look carefully for crops. In case of symptoms, spray 2gram dithane-M-45 in per litre of Water. 

Farmers should check regularly for leaf feeding insects 

For your interest, farmers who have prepared a nursery of tomato, cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. They can show their plants considering the weather. Cauliflower and cabbage family plants should specially be taken care of leaf feeding insects. If they are in large numbers, then spray BT @1 gram per litre of water or sponosade medicine @1.0 ml per 3 litres of water. In this weather, farmers must get rid of weeds with the help of weeding-hoeing practice. Vegetable crops should be irrigated and then fertilisers should be put in.

How farmers should manage stubble remains 

Farmers are advised not to burn the remains (stubble) of kharif crops(paddy). This results in polluting the environment too much. The smog produced by this does not allow complete sunlight to reach crops and farms. It affects the photosynthesis and evaporation in plants which leads to low food production in plants. It also affects the amount of produce and quality of produce. Farmers are advised to mix or dig the remaining paddy stubble in soil, it increases the fertility of soil.