

 Agricultural scientists developed three new improved varieties of mustard, know their specialties.

Agricultural scientists developed three new improved varieties of mustard, know their specialties.

Three improved mustard varieties CS-61, CS-62, and CS-64 have been developed by agricultural scientists of CSSRI for sodic alkaline land areas. Let us tell you that these three varieties of mustard will be available to farmers by 2024.

To provide more profits to the farmers of India, Central Soil and Salinity Research Institute (CSSRI) has prepared 3 new improved varieties of mustard. Farmers will get more production from these three excellent varieties of mustard. Besides, these three varieties of mustard can be easily cultivated in sodic i.e. alkaline soil. According to media reports, all three species of mustard developed by scientists will be available in the hands of farmers by the year 2024. We are talking about CS-61, CS-62 and CS-64 varieties.

Also read: Farmers can earn excellent profits by cultivating this variety of mustard.

It should be known that even before these varieties, some salt-tolerant mustard varieties CS-56, CS-58, and CS-60 have been prepared by agricultural scientists, and are currently being made available to farmers. Along with this, these mustard seeds are being distributed by agriculture departments and seed institutions.

Cultivation of new improved varieties of mustard

The best mustard varieties CS-61, CS-62, and CS-64 developed at the Central Soil and Salinity Research Institute will give good yields in every area. However, it will provide higher yield in the areas of Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, and Jammu and Kashmir. Let us tell you that with these three varieties, the mustard crop will flourish well in the farmer's fields. Apart from this, it will be available at a good price in the market also.

Also read: Major diseases and management of diseases in mustard crop

Features of these developed improved varieties of mustard

Cultivation of these three improved varieties of mustard will work as a boon for areas where the soil is not suitable for mustard cultivation. CS-61, CS-62 and CS-64 varieties of mustard have been developed for such areas, where mustard is not grown even today. The farmer brothers there can also take advantage of the mustard crop with the help of these varieties. Also, these three new varieties of mustard will produce approximately 27 to 29 quintals per hectare. At the same time, in sodic i.e. alkaline soil, this variety will provide a yield of 21 to 23 quintals per hectare. Apart from this, the amount of oil in these mustard varieties will be around 41 percent.

In which areas of India mustard is not cultivated

Mustard is not cultivated in many states of India. For example, mustard is not produced in some areas of Haryana and Punjab. Apart from this, mustard is not cultivated in many areas of Uttar Pradesh like Pratapgarh, Kaushambi, Lucknow, Kanpur, Etawah Hardoi, etc. With these three varieties of mustard developed by scientists, the mustard crop will flourish in these areas also.

These five advanced varieties are quite spectacular for mustard cultivation in the Rabi season.

These five advanced varieties are quite spectacular for mustard cultivation in the Rabi season.

Mustard is one of the major rabi crops. Explain that mustard cultivation is done prominently in many states of India. If we talk about advanced varieties of mustard, then Raj Vijay Mustard-2, Pusa Mustard 21, Pusa Mustard RH 30, Pusa Bold and Pusa Mustard are 28sa Bold and Pusa Mustard 28.. In fact, in almost all the states of India, everything from sowing of crops to harvesting remains dependent on the weather. As you know, the time of harvesting of kharif crops is going on. Also, farmers are preparing to sow rabi crops. At the same time, the major crops sown in the rabi crop are potatoes, peas, mustard, wheat etc. Today we will give you information about the best varieties of mustard. The names of these advanced varieties of mustard are Pusa Bold, Pusa Mustard 28, Raj Vijay Mustard-2, Pusa Mustard 21 and Pusa Mustard RH 30. All these are the most preferred mustard varieties in the production of oilseeds in India. These varieties make more profits at the cost of farmers per hectare. Their production is also more than the rest of the varieties. So let's know in detail about these varieties of mustard.

5 advanced varieties for mustard cultivation

Mustard Pusa Bold

The time period for ripening of mustard Pusa bold is 100 to 140 days. The area of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Delhi is considered suitable for sowing it. If we talk about its yield per hectare, it provides 20 to 25 quintals per hectare yield. The amount of oil inside it is up to 40 percent.

Also read: Farmers can make great profits by cultivating this variety of mustard.

Pusa mustard 28

The period of crop ripening and harvesting is 105 to 110 days. It is sown in states like Haryana, Rajasthan, Punjab, Delhi and Jammu and Kashmir. Farmer brothers can get 18 to 20 quintals of production per hectare. Talking about the amount of oil, it is up to 21 percent.

Raj Vijay Mustard-2

The crop ripening time is from 120 to 130 days. It is produced in areas of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh. At the same time, the average yield from this ranges from 20 to 25 quintals per hectare. The amount of oil ranges from about 37 to 40 percent.

Also read: Information about all the necessary 

works related to mustard cultivation

Pusa Mustard R H30

It takes about 130 to 135 days for this type of mustard crop to ripen. The area of sowing this variety is Haryana, Punjab and Western Rajasthan. At the same time, if we talk about per hectare, it is from 16 to 20 quintals per hectare. If we talk about the amount of oil inside it, then it is up to 39 percent.

Pusa Mustard 21

The time of ripening of this variety of crops is around 137 to 152 days. Explain that it can be produced prominently in Punjab, Rajasthan and Delhi. For your information, tell that 18 to 21 quintals of production can be taken per hectare. Talking about the amount of oil from this type of mustard, it is about 37 to 40 percent. According to the Indian Institute of Lonacles of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, if farmers of these areas want more production, then these varieties of mustard can prove to be a profitable deal for farmers. All these varieties produce more percentage of oil per hectare with more production.

GM Mustard: What is GM Mustard and its benefits?

GM Mustard: What is GM Mustard and its benefits?

It is a well-known fact that India imports a large quantity of oil. However, the controversy surrounding the commercial cultivation of GM mustard continues to linger even after its approval by the Indian government. Nowadays, there is a lot of debate in India regarding the commercial cultivation of GM mustard, which is genetically modified mustard. Despite the Central Government's approval, the controversy over it persists, and the Supreme Court recently debated this issue. The question that arises is why the controversy over GM mustard has arisen in the first place. To understand this, we need to know what GM mustard is and its benefits. Last year, the Biotech regulator Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee of the Union Environment Ministry approved the commercial cultivation of GM mustard, which sparked strong opposition from many farmer groups, AGOs, and environment-related organizations, leading the matter to reach the court.

What do the organizations standing against this have to say?

On one hand, the organizations standing against it say that due to the use of GM mustard in India, agriculture will suffer a lot. Also,  according to experts, this will increase productivity and farmers will benefit greatly from it.  Experts also say that it is being cultivated successfully in many countries.  In such a situation, if India also adopts it, it will have many benefits in the future. But, what will be the benefit to the farmers from this?

Also read: Research started to prepare GM seeds of 13 crops

Important information about GM mustard

Genetically modified mustard ( GM mustard ) is a species of mustard created by mixing two different varieties of plants.  This means that it is a hybrid species, which has been created in the lab.  The chances of contracting diseases are very low. Besides, its production also remains high.  Now the yield of the first generation hybrid species obtained from such crossing is likely to be higher than the original varieties. However, doing this with mustard was not convenient. This is because its flowers contain both male and female reproductive organs.  This means that the mustard plant pollinates itself to a large extent and Does not require pollination from any other plant. In such a situation, the opportunity to create hybrid varieties of mustard like maize, tomato, or cotton is greatly reduced.

Various benefits of producing GM mustard

Increase in Productivity: Proponents argue that GM mustard, especially Dhara mustard hybrid ( DMH - 11 ), has the potential to significantly increase the productivity of mustard crops. Because of this, mustard cultivation is currently being seen in India. It can help in dealing with the problem of low productivity.

Also read: Mustard Cultivation: Good income at low cost

Reduction in import dependence: India imports edible oils in large quantities and GM mustard can reduce this dependence by increasing domestic mustard oil production. This could potentially save foreign exchange and promote self-reliance in edible oil production

Crop protection: Genetic modification can confer resistance to pests and diseases, reducing the need for chemical pesticides.  This can encourage environmentally friendly and sustainable agricultural practices.

The government of India has released 10 new varieties of sugarcane after consultation with the Central Seed Committee.

The government of India has released 10 new varieties of sugarcane after consultation with the Central Seed Committee.

10 improved varieties have been made available in the market for sugarcane farmers. Let us tell you that these improved varieties of sugarcane can be cultivated easily by the farmers of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Gujarat, Maharashtra, UP, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh and Punjab. Let us today provide you with detailed information regarding these 10 improved varieties of sugarcane in this article.

Sugarcane is a cash crop in India. Farmers also cultivate sugarcane for commercial purposes. Let us tell you that farmers also prepare products like sugar, jaggery, liquor, and ethanol from it. Besides, sugarcane crop also provides good income to the farmers of states like Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra and Gujarat. Farmers sow sugarcane from the end of October to November and sowing of spring sugarcane is done from February to March. Apart from this, from a scientific point of view, sugarcane crops have been considered a safe crop. The reason for this is that climate change does not have any significant effect on the sugarcane crop.

The government of India released 10 new improved varieties of sugarcane

For your information, let us tell you that keeping all these things in mind, the Government of India has released 10 new varieties of sugarcane after consultation with the Central Seed Committee. The main objective of releasing these varieties is to promote improved varieties of sugarcane for sugarcane cultivation. With this, sugarcane farmers can earn bumper income with higher production.

Know about 10 improved varieties of sugarcane

All these improved varieties of sugarcane are open-pollinated i.e. indigenous varieties. The availability or production of seeds of these varieties is done through them. For this, the best plants are selected and these seeds are produced. Apart from this, one advantage of the seeds of these varieties is that the taste of all these varieties is much better than their hybrid varieties. Let us now know about these 10 improved varieties of sugarcane.

Also read: Complete information about modern sugarcane cultivation

Sugarcane-15 (COLK 16466)

Excellent production will be achieved from the variety Ikshu-15 (COLK 16466). This variety has been approved for the states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, and Assam.

Rajendra Sugarcane-5 (COP 11438)

This variety of sugarcane has been approved for Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, and Assam.

Sugarcane Company 18009

This variety has been approved only for the state of Tamil Nadu.

COA 17321

This improved variety of sugarcane has been approved for the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Also read: Very good news has come from the government for sugarcane farmers in Uttar Pradesh.

CO 11015 (Incredible)

This variety gives more production than other varieties. Because more buds emerge in it. This improved variety of sugarcane is suitable for the climate of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Madhya Pradesh.

CO 14005 (Arunima)

The improved sugarcane variety Co 14005 (Arunima) can be easily cultivated in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh.

Phule Sugarcane 13007 (MS 14082)

The improved sugarcane variety Phule Sugarcane 13007 (MS 14082) can be easily cultivated in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Karnataka.

Sugarcane-10 (COLK 14201)

Ikshu-10 (CoLK 14201) variety of sugarcane has been developed by ICAR. Let us tell you that the variety also has the ability to resist red rot disease. This variety suits the climate of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh (Western and Central), Uttarakhand (North West region), Punjab, and Haryana.

Sugarcane-14 (COLK 15206) (LG 07584)

Ikshu-14 (CoLK 15206) (LG 07584) variety of sugarcane can be cultivated by farmers of Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh (Western and Central) and Uttarakhand (North Western region).

CO 16030 (Karan 16)

Sugarcane variety Co-16030, also known as Karan-16. This variety has been developed by the scientists of Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Karnal. This variety is a great combination of high production and red rot disease resistance. This variety can be produced easily in Uttarakhand, Central and Western Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, and Rajasthan.

Important information for better production of barley crop

Important information for better production of barley crop

Barley can be grown on sandy to moderately loamy soil. But for its good production we should use fertile soil and proper irrigation. Barley can be grown on all sorts of different land. 

Time for sowing

For your information the seeds use for sowing should be disease free, certified and should be off the correct variety according to the reason they are being planted in. The seeds should not have any types of adulteration or mix with any other type of seed. Before sowing the seeds should be tested and germinated before hand. Barley is a Ruby crop which is grown in winter. Generally it is sown from October to December.


In areas without irrigation seeds should be sown from 20th October to 10th November. Whereas in the irrigated regions seeds should be sown by 25th November. If you are growing Barley late then it should be sown by 15 December.

Seeds and seed treatment

80 to 100 kg seed per hectare is enough for Barley production. Seed drill can be used and manually  spreading seeds can also be done. Barley should be planted in lines separated by the distance of 20 to 25 CM and the seeds should be 5 to 6 CM deep in soil. In non irrigated regions seeds should be fixed to 8 cm Deep. For diseases which could develop from the seeds seed treatment is necessary. To protect the seeds from open skirt seeds should be treated with 2 gram Baviston Or Vitawax per 1 kg seed. To control closed skirt thirum and Baviston/vitavax in the ratio 1:1 should be mixed 2.5gm per kg. 

Different varieties to grow in irritated and non irritated regions

Different types of good quality barley for example Amber, Jyoti, Azad, K 141,RD 2035, RD 2052,RD 2503,RD 2508, RD 2552,RD 2559, RD 2624, RD 2660, RD 2668, RD 2660,RD 2668,RD 2660, Haritma, Preeti, Jagriti, Lakhan, Manjula, RS 6, Narender jo 1,Narender jo 2, Narender jo 3, K603, NDB 1173, SO 12. Other varieties without cover are K1149(geetanjali), Dilma, Narendra jo 4(NDB 943) 

Different varieties for barren land

Azad, K-141, J.B. 58, Rd. 2715, Rd. 2786, P.L. 751, H.B.L. 316, H.B.L. 276, B.L.B. 85, B.L.B. 56 and NDB for saline and alkaline lands. 1173, Rd. 2552, RD 2794, Narendra Jau-1, Narendra Jau-3.

Improved premium varieties for malt and beer

Pragati, Tambhra, DL 88 (6 lane), RD 2715, DWR 28 and Rekha (2 lane) and D.W.R. 28 and other species like D.W.R.B.91, D.W.R.U.B. 52, B.H. 393, P.L. 419, P.L. 426, K. 560, K-409, N.O.Rajau-5 etc.

How to use fertilizer in Barley production.

Use of fertilizer is better when done after soil testing. For areas without irrigation 40 kg nitrogen, 20 kg Phosphorus and 20 kg potash per hectare should be used. For irrigated land 60 kg nitrogen, 30 kg Phosphorus and 20 kg potash per hectare should be used and for malt varieties 80 kg nitrogen, 40 kg Phosphorus and 20 kg potash per hectare should be used. For Barren as well as lately planted barley it is recommended to use 30 kg nitrogen 20 kg phosphate and 20 to 25 kg zinc sulphate per hectare.

 Farmers will get excellent profits from these five varieties of cowpea.

Farmers will get excellent profits from these five varieties of cowpea.

Farmers can achieve excellent production of about 100 to 125 quintals in 50 days by growing improved varieties of cowpeas in the field. There are different types of cowpea varieties available in the market, but to get the best production, farmers should choose Pant Lobia, Lobia 263, Arka Garima, Pusa Barsati, and Pusa Rituraj varieties.

Cowpea is a type of pulse crop that is cultivated mostly by small and marginal farmers in India. This crop gives good production even on less land, which is why it is popular among farmers. Cowpea can be cultivated in both the Kharif and Zaid seasons. However, by planting improved varieties of cowpea, farmers can earn good yields in every season. Today, we bring you information about five improved varieties of cowpea, which can help you get a yield of 100 to 125 quintals per acre. These varieties generally become completely ready after ripening in 50 days. If you want to get huge profits from the cowpea crop, it is important to plant excellent and good varieties in your field.

Five amazing improved varieties of cowpea
Pant Lobia variety

The plants of this species of cowpea are about one and a half feet tall. It takes 60 to 65 days for Pant Lobia to become ripe after sowing in the field. This variety of cowpea provides a yield of 15 to 20 quintals per hectare.

Also read: Farmers will get double benefit from cowpea cultivation

Cowpea 263 Variety

This variety of cowpea is an early crop, which ripens in the field in a time interval of 40 to 45 days. Farmers can get production up to about 125 quintals per hectare from the Cowpea 263 variety.

Arka Garima variety

Arka Garima variety of cowpeas gives excellent production during rainy and spring seasons. Arka Garima variety ripens in a time interval of 40-45 days. Let us tell you that it gives a yield of about 80 quintals per hectare.

Also read : Cowpea cultivation: A boon for farmers as well as milch animals.

Pusa rainy season

It is known from the name of this variety of cowpea that if farmers plant it in their fields during the rainy season, they will get excellent yields. The beans of the Pusa Barsati variety of cowpea are light green. This variety is approximately 26 to 28 cm long. Also, it ripens in the field within 45-50 days. This variety gives production up to 85-100 quintals per hectare.

Pusa Rituraj variety.

This variety of cowpea is considered very good to eat. The beans of this variety are green in color. Also, it gives a yield of about 75 to 80 quintals per hectare.

Agricultural scientists have developed 5 improved varieties of peas

Agricultural scientists have developed 5 improved varieties of peas

Farmers, the rabi season is coming. This time in the rabi season, you can get a very good yield from the improved variety of peas. Agricultural scientists of India keep preparing new varieties for the best varieties. In this series, some of the best varieties of peas have been developed by Kashi Nandini Indian Vegetable Research Institute of Varanasi. There are many types of crops in India, which give good production to the farmers at a low cost and in a short time. By adopting all these crops in their fields, farmers can earn big profits in just a few months.

Farmers can also earn a lot of profit from the cultivation of vegetables

For your information, let us know that vegetable crops are also included in such crops, which can benefit the farmer by thousands and lakhs. If seen, farmers can earn a very fat yield in 50 to 60 days by sowing peas alone in the middle of Kharif and Rabi seasons in their fields. As we all know, there is always a demand for peas in the market of the country and abroad. In view of such a high demand for peas, agricultural scientists of the Indian Vegetable Research Institute of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) have developed many spectacular varieties of peas. Which will give the farmer a very good production as well as the best profit in the market.

Also read: Detailed information about important aspects related to pea cultivation

Kashi Agate

The average weight of peas of this variety is 9-10 g. Let me tell you that its seeds are very sweet in consumption. Farmers can harvest its beans after 55-60 days of sowing. Then farmers easily get an average yield of 45-40 per acre from it.

Kashi Mukti

This magnificent and improved variety of peas is disease resistant to powdered acidity. This peas are very sweet. This variety gives a very good yield to the farmers by late ripening compared to all other varieties. If seen, each pod of Kashi Mukti variety contains 8-9 grains. With this, the farmer brothers get the best yield up to 50 quintals.

Also read: How to sow and care for peas

Arkell Peas

It is an exotic species, whose farmers get 40-50 quintals per acre from each pod. The number of seeds in each pod is found to be 6-8.

Kashi Nandani

This variety of peas has been developed by the Kashi Nandini Indian Vegetable Research Institute in Varanasi. You will see this pea plant up to 45-50 cm tall. Also, the yield of the first beans will start to come about 60-65 days after sowing. The average yield of green beans of its variety is 30-32 quintals per acre. Also, 5-6 quintals per acre is earned from seed production. This variety of peas is very good for the farmers of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh.

Also read: Health secrets hidden in butterfly pea (Aparajita) flowers, helpful in making blue tea, earning opportunities immense

Kashi Uday

The plants of this variety are green in the whole way. Also, it has small lumps and 8-10 pods per plant, with each pod having 8 to 9 seed numbers. Farmers can earn 35-40 quintals of green beans per acre from this variety. Farmers can easily pluck not one but two to three times with this variety.

Farmers get the best production from these advanced varieties of peas in this Rabi season.

Farmers get the best production from these advanced varieties of peas in this Rabi season.

Peas are sown by farmers in the Rabi season from October. Today we are going to give you information about some of its major advanced varieties. Farmers can sow the varieties of peas prepared in a short period of time from the last week of September to October. With its cultivation, farmers can double their income. Let us explain that these are the major crops of Kashi Nandini, Kashi Mukti, Kashi Uday and Kashi early crops. Their speciality is that they are cooked and ready during 50 to 60 days. This makes the field empty quickly. After this, farmers can easily sow other crops. Farmers can sow pea species prepared in a short period of time from the last week of September to October.

Advanced variety of peas
Advanced variety of peas Kashi Nandini

This variety was developed in the year 2005. It is cultivated in Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal and Punjab. With this, an average of 110 to 120 quintals can be produced per hectare.

Also read: Detailed information about important aspects related to pea cultivation

Advanced variety of peas Kashi liberation

This variety is mainly considered favourable for Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Bihar. For your information, let us  tell you that it can lead to 115 quintals per hectare. Its legumes and grains are quite large. The main thing is that there is a lot of demand abroad.

Advanced variety of peas Kashi early

This variety is cooked in a 50 -day time period.Its beans are straight and deep. The length of its plants ranges from 58 to 61 cm. Its 1 plant can cost 9 to 10 legumes. This can lead to yield of 95 to 100 quintals per hectare.

Also read: let's know how to sow peas and take  care of them

Advanced variety of peas Kashi rise

For your information, let us tell you that this species was prepared in the year 2005. Its specialty is that the length of its pod is 9 to 10 centimetres. It is mainly cultivated in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhand. This can provide yield of up to 105 quintals per hectare. For your information, let us tell you that by its cultivation, farmers can double their income. Kashi Mukti, Kashi Udaya, Kashi Aghati and Kashi Nandini are prominent among them. Their special thing is that it is ready within 50 to 60 days. This makes the field empty quickly. After this, farmers can easily sow other crops.

Varieties of number one class rice , the name of India is also

Varieties of number one class rice , the name of India is also

As we all know, Basmati rice is considered the world's number one rice. At the same time, after this, rice grown in Japan including Italy, Portugal, and then US comes . People consume rice with pulses, curry and sometimes as biryani. Rice is consumed almost in every household in India. Also, it is used in homes around the world.

According to reports, basmati rice is considered the best rice in the world. This long grain rice is grown in India and Pakistan. The taste of basmati rice is very different. While cooking it does not stick with each other and remains separate. Basmati rice is used in casserole, biryani and salad.

Arborio rice grown in Italy

Now after this, Arborio rice produced in Italy comes. The medium -long rash produced in Italy is rice. Also, Arborio rice is known for its soft, sticky texture. Thick and creamy rice is formed when rice is cooked. Arborio rice is used on normal toast to make risotto. In Portugal, long rash rice is called Carolino. Carolino rice is known for its soft and creamy texture. It cooks thick and creamy rice. Portuguese foods, such as pork biffons and fried rice, often use carolino rice.

Also read: New variety of rice prepared, once sowing can be taken for 8 years

Japan's rice is also included in this

Arizona Royal Rice is a long rash rice grown in the US. Arizona Royal Rice is famous for its soft, creamy texture. Thick and creamy rice is made when it is cooked. Rice grown in Japan is a round, small rash rice called Japanese Sushi rice. Its soft and sticky texture is known as Japanese Sushi rice. It becomes thick and creamy when cooked. Japanese Sushi rice is used to make sushi. 

Farmers can earn profits by cultivating Zucchini, advanced varieties of Zucchini

Farmers can earn profits by cultivating Zucchini, advanced varieties of Zucchini

Zucchini is a rain vegetable. Zucchini is known as Turai and Tori. It is a vegetable rich in fibre and vitamins. Zucchini leaves are moderately sized, the colour of these leaves is light green. Zucchini is long, thin and soft in appearance, as well as its inner part and seeds are light creamy colours. Zucchini is naturally found in low calories.

Zucchini provides many nutrients like iron, protein and calcium. Also, many bioactive components are also found in Zucchini. Zucchini is an embossed skin and long, cylindrical vegetable. Zucchini is cultivated mainly as a cash crop. The flowers coming on the Zucchini are yellow in colour, these flowers are used to make vegetables.

When is Zucchini cultivated?

Zucchini is cultivated by farmers in the months of June to July. It takes 70 -80 days for it to get ready. Zucchini is mostly cultivated in the rainy season. It is necessary to have moisture in the field for its good yield.

Advanced varieties of Zucchini 

There are many varieties of Zucchini, which can produce more profits by producing. The ripening time of Zucchini varieties is different. The advanced varieties of Zucchini are as follows: Ko, -1 (CO, -1), (PK M1), Ghiya Tori, Pusa Nasdar, Pusa Smooth, Punjab evergreen and Sarputia are advanced varieties of Turai.

ALSO READ: Low cost and short period of Zucchini varieties

Climate and land suitable for Zucchini cultivation

Zucchini can be cultivated in all types of soil, but the land should have good drainage. But loam soil is considered suitable for its high yield. It can also be produced in acidic soil found on the banks of rivers. The development of Zucchini requires a humid and dry climate. Zucchini is cultivated in India during the Kharif and Zayed season. Its plant needs rain in the beginning, but more rainfall can also spoil the crop of Zucchini. Zucchini plants require normal temperature to sprout, in summer the Zucchini plant also has the capacity to bear a maximum of 35 degrees temperature.

Seed quantity and seed treatment for sowing

For sowing Zucchini, first plough the field, after that when the soil colour becomes crumbly, then start sowing in it. 3 to 5 kg of seeds are required per hectare. The month of January to March is considered better for sowing Zucchini in summer and the month of June to July is considered suitable for sowing in the Kharif season. But it is better to treat it before sowing seeds. For seed treatment, treat 3 grams of thiram  per kilogram of seeds of Zucchini. By doing this, they can prevent the disease in the crop of Zucchini.

Also read: Use organic manure and increase crop yield, farmers here are taking full benefits

Compost and fertiliser for trumpet cultivation

For good yield of Zucchini, farmers can use cow dung manure, and put 200 -250 quintals of manure in the field 15 -20 days before ploughing. While doing the last ploughing, keep in mind the compost in the field. Besides, farmers can also use potash (80 kg), phosphorus (100 kg) and nitrogen (120 kg) for high yield. Half of its quantity can be used at the time of sowing and half the quantity after one month of sowing.

How to do irrigation management?

In the rainy season, the crop of Zucchini does not need much water, because from time to time the rain keeps reducing the lack of water in the crop. But during the summer season, the crop needs more water, hence irrigation should be done in the field after 7 to 8 days. So that due to the heat, there is no drought in the field and it does not affect the crop.

Problems like weeds are also seen in the Zucchini crop, as well as the outbreak of many diseases and pests is also seen in the crop. To control all these, the farmer can also adopt the crop cycle. Also, weeding can also be done to prevent weeds in Zucchini cultivation. Apart from this, pesticides can also be used by farmers.

Farmers can obtain a production upto 70 to 75 Quintals per hectare by cultivating these three top varieties of wheat

Farmers can obtain a production upto 70 to 75 Quintals per hectare by cultivating these three top varieties of wheat

With these excellent species of wheat HD 3406 ( advanced HD 2967), HD-3385, HI 1634 ( Pasa Ahilya), farmers can obtain a produce of upto 74 quintals per hectare of land. India being an agricultural dominant nation is also the second largest wheat producer of the world. Along with this, cultivation of wheat is mainly done in Haryana, UP, Madhya Pradesh and Punjab. Many state farmers have already started cultivating wheat which is the most important crop of the Rabi season. If you are a farmer and you are also in search of wheat which provides maximum production. Actually in this article of Meri khet, we will tell you about three species of wheat which will give you a production of upto 74 quintals per hectare on their cultivation. For your kind information, let you know that in these three species of wheat HD 3406 ( advanced HD 2967), HD-3385, HI 1634 ( Pasa Ahilya) are present.

HD 3406 (advanced HD 2967) variety of wheat.

This amazing species of wheat HD 3406 (advanced HD 2967) can be easily cultivated in Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan (except regions of Kota and udaipur), Punjab and West Uttar Pradesh (except regions of Jhansi), Katra of Jammu Kashmir and Kathua district, Una district and Ponta valley of Himachal Pradesh and lowlands of Uttrakhand. Apart from this, the average production of this variety is about 54.73 quintal per hectare. And the maximum production power is 64.05 quintals per hectare. Whereas, this excellent species HD 3406 (advanced HD 2967) is resistant to rust disease. Actually, it is resistant to foliar/brown rust disease and striped/yellow rust disease. Along with this, its resistance is found amazing against blight disease and karnal bunt.

Read  also: whether your wheat crops are affected from this disease, must look over its symptoms.

HD 3385 variety of wheat 

The HD 3385 variety of wheat has been prepared by Indian agricultural research institute, Pusa, Delhi, which prepares for harvesting within 123-147 days. HD 3385 has an average production of 62.1 quintal per hectare and its maximum production is upto 73.4 quintal per hectare. HD 3385 is resistant to Many diseases. This variety is resistant to striped rust, leaf rust, karnal bunt, blight diseases of powdery mildew wheat and flag smut disease. Along with this, this variety of wheat is suitable for plains of North-west and North-east.

HI 1634 (Pusa Ahilya) variety of wheat and HI 1634 (Pusa Ahilya)

This variety of wheat HI 1634 (Pusa Ahilya) has been prepared at the Indian agricultural research institute, Indore. Farmers of middle Gujarat, Chattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan(Kota and udaipur region) and Uttar Pradesh(Jhansi region) can cultivate this crop with ease. However, it is also cultivated in other States. If we talk about its average production, it is 51.6 quintal per hectare and its maximum production power is upto 70.6 quintals per hectare.

Learn about the top five advanced varieties of kathia wheat

Learn about the top five advanced varieties of kathia wheat

This top advanced varieties of kathia wheat HD-4728 (Pusa Malvi), H.I. -8498 (Pusa Anmol), HI-8381 (Malav Shri), M.P.O.-1215 and M.P.O-1106 have the capacity to produce up to 6.28 tonnes in a short time. In addition, these advanced varieties have nutrients to fight various types of diseases in wheat.

In our country, farmers cultivate wheat on a large scale, from which farmers get more profits by selling them in the market. If you also want to get the best profits from wheat cultivation, then you can choose kathia species of wheat. Because this species has the ability to give bumper production of wheat. Kathia wheat in India is cultivated in about 25 lakh hectares of area. Kathia wheat has nutrients available to fight various types of diseases. In addition, kathia wheat is better for industrial use.

Also read: How to cultivate black wheat and earn profits

In fact, quick digested dishes like - pizza, spagheti, sevee, noodles, vermicelli etc. are prepared from Semolina (semolina/rava) which is made from it. Due to high disease resistant capacity, there is a lot of demand in the market. In such a situation, today we have brought information about the top five advanced species of Kathia wheat for the farmers, which are cooked and ready in 100 to 120 days. Also, yields up to 6.28 tonnes per hectare.

Five advanced varieties of the following kathia wheat

HD 4728 (Pusa Malvi)

This species of kathia wheat becomes ready in 120 days. The grains of this species are large and bright. From Kathia HD-4728 (Pusa Malvi) species of wheat farmers can produce from 5.42 to 6.28 tonnes per hectare. This species is considered to be an anti -stem and a leave of leaf ocher disease.

Also read: This new variety of wheat will prove to be a great solution for obesity and diabetes

H.I. 8498 (Pusa Anmol)

Farmers can easily produce this species in areas of Bundelkhand in Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. This species of Kathia wheat is rich in zinc and iron.

HI - 8381 (Malav Shri)

This species is sowed late. HI - 8381 (Malav Shri) species of wheat can achieve yield from 4.0 to 5.0 tonnes per hectare.

Also read: Farmers of these areas produce these 15 varieties of wheat

M.P.O. 1215

With this species of wheat, farmers can achieve production from about 4.6 to 5.0 tonnes per hectare. The crop of this species is ready for harvesting in a period of 100 to 120 days.

MPO 1106

The M.P.O 1106 species of Kathia wheat becomes completely ready within about 113 days. This species also has the ability to give great yields in irrigated areas. This species of Kathia wheat is produced the most by the farmers of Central India.