

Walnut has amazing health benefits, it is beneficial for health

Walnut has amazing health benefits, it is beneficial for health

Walnuts include many helpful aspects for one's health. Walnuts include an abundance of magnesium, vitamin B, and fibre. Walnuts are also regarded as the most protein-rich food. When compared to other components, walnuts have 3% more ALA.  ALA Omega Acid lowers LDL cholesterol in the body and promotes healthy cholesterol levels.

Walnuts are also believed to be quite healthy for the heart. It maintains a healthy blood pressure and minimises cardiac issues. It also manages blood clots. It also supplies antioxidants to the body. Walnuts aid to reduce edema and weight.

Walnuts are also known as brain food since they resemble a brain. Consuming walnuts on a daily basis improves brain function. Also, walnuts are high in calories, which is why they should be taken in moderation.

Excellent for Digestive Health

Walnuts contain several nutrients that, when consumed on a daily basis, can help to manage inflammation and pain in the intestines. It also gives comfort for gastrointestinal troubles. It promotes intestinal health and strength. It also supplies a significant amount of nutrients to the body.

Also read: Walnut will make you prosperous; understand why this practice is getting popular.

Helps to improve memory

Walnuts are also known to boost memory. Walnuts include components that are used to reduce stress. Consuming walnuts has a good effect on the brain. Walnuts include vitamin E and polyunsaturated fat, both of which serve to improve mental flexibility and memory.

Beneficial to fight Cancer.

Walnuts contain polyphenols, which are thought to help in cancer prevention. Furthermore, according to study, it stops cancer tumours from forming inside the body. Walnuts also help to lessen the consequences of cancer in the body.

Beneficial to Bones

Walnuts contain alpha linolenic acid, calcium, and phosphorus. This acid helps to maintain bone strength. Walnuts can also help prevent osteoporosis, a bone disorder. Walnuts help eliminate the crushing sound from the bones, promoting bone health and strength.

Also read: Farmers may earn a lot of money quickly by producing this dry fruit.

Furthermore, walnuts are high in fibre, which regulates hunger and helps with weight loss. Despite their high calorie and fat content, walnuts have been shown to aid in weight loss. Walnuts also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which assist to reduce tiredness and anxiety.

Helpful in low blood pressure

In case of low blood pressure, a person may face problems like irritability, dizziness etc. Also, due to too low of blood pressure a person can go into a coma. Consumption of walnuts is considered appropriate for all these diseases. Apart from this, due to frequent increase or decrease in blood pressure, a person may also have to face heart related diseases.

Walnuts are hot in nature, hence their consumption should be reduced in summer as compared to winter. There are many benefits of eating walnuts. Some people consume it as dry fruits and some people consume it by soaking them. It is also very beneficial for those who have the problem of gallstones. Walnuts can also be consumed on an empty stomach in the morning.

Read this also: Farmers can earn lakhs of rupees by starting apricot oil business.

Everything has two sides, and eating walnuts has only positive effects. Excessive intake of walnuts might be dangerous. Walnut eating should be limited throughout the summer months due to their hot nature. Furthermore, pregnant women should avoid eating walnuts. That is why you should only use it after speaking with a doctor. Walnut peel contains several of these components, which can produce red rashes on the skin.

 Know complete information about forest bitter gourd

Know complete information about forest bitter gourd

Forest bitter gourd is cultivated in many states of our country. It is known by different names in different places, like sweet bitter gourd, wild bitter gourd, thorny Parwal, Karol, Bhat bitter gourd, etc. This is a type of vegetable available in monsoon. Thorny fibers are growing on the outer surface of this vegetable. Forest bitter gourd is tiny in size. Its scientific name is Momorekh Dygova.

Forest bitter gourd cultivation 

Forest bitter gourds mostly occur during the rainy season. When it rains, the leaves of forest bitter gourd start growing on their own. This vegetable is quite expensive compared to other vegetables. Due to its seeds needing to be easily available, it cannot be cultivated. After the rainy season ends, the seeds of forest bitter gourd fall on the ground. As soon as the first rain falls, the vine of forest bitter gourd starts growing. 

Also read: Bitter gourd will give profit, stray animals get upset - Complete information about bitter gourd cultivation.

Varieties of forest bitter gourd

There are two varieties of forest bitter gourd, which are grown in cultivated form, such as small-sized forest bitter gourd and Indira Akar (RMF 37). Forest bitter gourd is managed through tubers or seeds. That is why farmers should use a good variety of seeds. Before sowing, check the seeds carefully to see if the seeds are diseased.

Sowing forest bitter gourd seeds

For the cultivation of forest bitter gourd, the pH level of the soil is considered to be 6-7. Its sowing can be done in loamy and sandy soil but loamy soil is considered more useful for good yield. Forest bitter gourd plant requires a warm humid climate to grow well.

There is no need for any special technique for sowing forest bitter gourd. Soak the seeds of forest bitter gourd in hot water overnight. This results in good germination of seeds. It is sown at a distance of 3-4 inches. Water should be kept in it as per requirement. Tiny plants are visible only after a few days of sowing.


By eating forest gourd you can get these benefits

Many elements like vitamins, calcium, zinc, copper, and magnesium are found in forest bitter gourd. Its use provides relief from many diseases, but it is also very beneficial for health, and know-how:

Rich in carbohydrates

A large amount of carbohydrate is found in forest bitter gourd. Consuming carbohydrates provides agility and strength to the body, which is essential for doing any work. It is important to have strength in the body for day-to-day work, without strength, no work will be done. 

Also read: Grow summer green vegetables easily in the kitchen garden: Bitter gourd, Ladyfinger, Ghiya, Zucchini, Tinda, Cowpea, Cucumber.

Rich in Vitamins

Many vitamins are found inside forest bitter gourd, Vitamin A and Vitamin B are found in abundance in it. Consuming forest bitter gourd reduces the deficiency of vitamins in the body. Even if you do not get any benefit from taking expensive medicines, you can try using forest bitter gourd in your diet. By using it you will not feel any vitamin deficiency in your body.

Adequate amount of protein and fiber

An appropriate amount of protein and fiber is found in forest bitter gourd. Protein which helps repair cells inside the body. And fiber which helps keep the digestive system of the body healthy. It helps the digestive system so it can function smoothly. 

Forest bitter gourd is mostly cultivated in hilly areas. The nature of forest bitter gourd is hot and it also tastes very tasty.

Forest bitter gourd has also proved beneficial in itching, jaundice, and fainting occurring during the rainy season. Apart from this, eating forest bitter gourd also provides relief from problems like eye problems, fever, and infection. By eating it the blood sugar level also remains balanced.

Lobia is very beneficial nutrients for health in dal

Lobia is very beneficial nutrients for health in dal

A large amount of protein is found inside the cowpea, due to which it is also called the powerhouse of protein. Lobberia is very beneficial not only for humans but also for animal health. For your information, let us tell you that protein, fibre, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and many other nutrients are also present in plenty in cowpea. Protein is an essential element to keep our body healthy for a long time, which also helps in fighting the body's muscles and fighting various types of diseases. Whenever there is talk of protein, its main source of milk, ghee etc. is considered. But, do you know that the amount of protein is more than all this in cowpea. Lobia contains a very good amount of protein. Lobia is also called a superfood. Because it is a powerhouse of protein. It is very beneficial not only for humans but also for the body of animals. Lobia is green fodder for animals, which increases the capacity of milk production in milch animals to a great extent. The amount of protein, fibre, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and various other nutrients is also found inside the cowpea. It is in a green granular shape. Today we will tell you about the advantages and other important information of cowpea.

Also read: Farmers will get double benefits due to cultivation of cowpea

What amount of nutrients are found in cowpea

Protein content- 100 grams of cowpea contains about 25-30 grams of protein.

Fibre content- About 100 grams of fibre is found in 16-25 grams of cowpea.

Complex carbohydrates are in the volume of carbohydrates.

Iron quantity- Lobia is rich in iron. Apart from this, it also has plenty of vitamin C and folate.

Not only this, the early fresh leaves and stalks of cowpea also have nutrients. It contains a few percent raw protein, 3.0% ether extract and 26.7% raw fibre etc.

What are the benefits of consuming cowpea

If you regularly consume cowpea, then you will definitely reduce your weight quickly.

Consumption of cowpea makes the digestive system very strong.

If you are suffering from any heart related disease, then you should consume cowpea.

Lobia is also very beneficial for the disease of not sleeping at the exact time at night and other diseases related to it.

Lobia helps in boosting immunity.

Lobberia controls blood sugar level. If you are struggling with diabetes i.e. diabetes, then definitely consume cowpea.

Agricultural scientists have developed 5 improved varieties of peas

Agricultural scientists have developed 5 improved varieties of peas

Farmers, the rabi season is coming. This time in the rabi season, you can get a very good yield from the improved variety of peas. Agricultural scientists of India keep preparing new varieties for the best varieties. In this series, some of the best varieties of peas have been developed by Kashi Nandini Indian Vegetable Research Institute of Varanasi. There are many types of crops in India, which give good production to the farmers at a low cost and in a short time. By adopting all these crops in their fields, farmers can earn big profits in just a few months.

Farmers can also earn a lot of profit from the cultivation of vegetables

For your information, let us know that vegetable crops are also included in such crops, which can benefit the farmer by thousands and lakhs. If seen, farmers can earn a very fat yield in 50 to 60 days by sowing peas alone in the middle of Kharif and Rabi seasons in their fields. As we all know, there is always a demand for peas in the market of the country and abroad. In view of such a high demand for peas, agricultural scientists of the Indian Vegetable Research Institute of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) have developed many spectacular varieties of peas. Which will give the farmer a very good production as well as the best profit in the market.

Also read: Detailed information about important aspects related to pea cultivation

Kashi Agate

The average weight of peas of this variety is 9-10 g. Let me tell you that its seeds are very sweet in consumption. Farmers can harvest its beans after 55-60 days of sowing. Then farmers easily get an average yield of 45-40 per acre from it.

Kashi Mukti

This magnificent and improved variety of peas is disease resistant to powdered acidity. This peas are very sweet. This variety gives a very good yield to the farmers by late ripening compared to all other varieties. If seen, each pod of Kashi Mukti variety contains 8-9 grains. With this, the farmer brothers get the best yield up to 50 quintals.

Also read: How to sow and care for peas

Arkell Peas

It is an exotic species, whose farmers get 40-50 quintals per acre from each pod. The number of seeds in each pod is found to be 6-8.

Kashi Nandani

This variety of peas has been developed by the Kashi Nandini Indian Vegetable Research Institute in Varanasi. You will see this pea plant up to 45-50 cm tall. Also, the yield of the first beans will start to come about 60-65 days after sowing. The average yield of green beans of its variety is 30-32 quintals per acre. Also, 5-6 quintals per acre is earned from seed production. This variety of peas is very good for the farmers of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh.

Also read: Health secrets hidden in butterfly pea (Aparajita) flowers, helpful in making blue tea, earning opportunities immense

Kashi Uday

The plants of this variety are green in the whole way. Also, it has small lumps and 8-10 pods per plant, with each pod having 8 to 9 seed numbers. Farmers can earn 35-40 quintals of green beans per acre from this variety. Farmers can easily pluck not one but two to three times with this variety.

What are the benefits and disadvantages of consuming cloves?

What are the benefits and disadvantages of consuming cloves?

Cloves are used in many Ayurvedic medicines as well as to make dishes delicious. Cloves are consumed to get relief in many diseases. But there are as many benefits as consuming cloves, there are also disadvantages. Consuming cloves in excess can also prove to be harmful to health.

Excessive consumption of cloves can reduce the amount of glucose in the body

Excessive consumption of cloves reduces the amount of glucose in the body. People whose glucose level is already low should not consume cloves. Low glucose in the body can also cause diseases like dizziness, headache, trembling, irritability as well as increased heartbeat, etc. All these are the disadvantages of consuming too much cloves. If these diseases are not taken care of soon, it can also go into a coma, or increase the chances of having seizures.

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Excessive consumption of cloves can cause blood to thin

Blood thinning properties are found inside cloves, bleeding starts to increase due to injury etc. Excessive consumption of cloves causes blood thinners. Patients suffering from haemophilia should not consume cloves. Hemophilia i.e. those who have a bleeding disorder, they should use cloves in very small quantities, that too according to the doctor's advice. Due to excessive consumption of cloves, the platelet present in the blood decreases, due to which the blood becomes thinner.

Burning sensations in the eyes

A pungent fragrance and freak are found inside the cloves. Continuous use of cloves can also cause allergic problems in the eyes. The use of cloves can prove to be dangerous for the eyes. Excessive use of cloves can also cause eye irritation. If you feel that there is a problem of irritation in the eyes or frequent watery eyes, then stop consuming cloves at the same time.

Harmful to stomach

The effect of cloves is very hot, so its excessive use can cause stomach problems. Excessive use of cloves can also cause liver and kidney problems. It can also cause abdominal pain, cramps and other ailments. Irregular consumption of cloves also has a profound effect on the intestines, it can also cause swelling on the intestines and problems of not digesting food.

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Do not use Clove during pregnancy days

Using cloves during this stage can prove to be harmful. The effect of cloves is very hot. That is why women are forbidden to use cloves during pregnancy. Cloves can be used by pregnant women by putting them in food, but do not use cloves directly as medicine, it increases the chances of miscarriage.

Chances of having allergic reactions

Due to the skin of many people being sensitive, they may also have allergic reactions or itching problems due to the use of cloves. That is why people with such skin should use cloves in very small quantities. Using cloves in excess can prove to be harmful to health. There are many compounds found inside cloves, due to which allergic reactions can be faced.

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Reaction with medications

Consumption of cloves with medicines can cause reactions. That is why those who are already taking any kind of medicines, then they should consume cloves after consulting a doctor. Consuming cloves and medicines together can prove to be harmful to health. Cloves can reduce the effectiveness of medicines, or you may also have to face some kind of problem.

When and how to consume cloves depends on the circumstances. There are many benefits and benefits from the use of cloves. But the effect of cloves is hot, its excessive use can also spoil health. Cloves are considered more beneficial for problems like vomiting, constipation and gas, but its excessive use can also cause problems. Patients who are already taking medicines for any disease should take cloves after consulting health consultants.

Know how farmers can detect the deficiency of nutrients in plants.

Know how farmers can detect the deficiency of nutrients in plants.

Like humans, plants also suffer from nutrient deficiencies, to fulfill which they also have to depend on external nutrients. But, the problem arises when we do not understand which nutrient is lacking in them. Let us tell you today, how you can identify it in a plant. Healthy plants are essential for a thriving garden or successful harvest. Lack of nutrients can affect the growth and development of plants, causing growth to stop. At the same time, the leaves also turn yellow and the production of fruits or flowers gets spoiled. 

Healthy plants are essential for a thriving garden or successful harvest. Lack of nutrients can affect the growth and development of plants, causing growth to stop. At the same time, the leaves also turn yellow and the production of fruits or flowers gets spoiled. Today we will provide you with information about which element is deficient in plants and when. Plants need many essential nutrients for their growth and development. These nutrients can be broadly divided into two groups. Macronutrients and micronutrients.


Plants require macronutrients in abundance and these include nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (CA), magnesium (MG), and sulfur (S). 

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Micronutrients are required in small amounts and include iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), boron (B), molybdenum (Mo), and chlorine (Cl).

Recognizing the symptoms of nutrient deficiencies

Nutritional deficiency in general: Plants are seen based on the characteristics of their leaves, stems, and growth. Let us tell you that based on some common symptoms, we will give you information on how you will be able to identify the deficiency of which element in a plant.

Deficiency of Nitrogen (N): Yellowing (chlorosis) of older leaves that starts at the tips and spreads inwards, stunting growth. 

Also read: Find out which nutrient is lacking by looking at the plant, new instructions from scientists

Deficiency of Phosphorus (P): Dark green leaves with red-violet color, older leaves may turn blue-green or brown and curl.

 Deficiency of Potassium (K): Yellowing or browning of edges and tips of leaves, weak stems.

Deficiency of Iron (Fe): Interveinal chlorosis (yellowing between the veins) on new leaves, leaves may turn white or yellow.

Deficiency of Magnesium (Mg): Interveinal chlorosis on older leaves, leaves may turn red-violet or curled.

Deficiency of Calcium (Ca): Young leaves may become distorted tips may die back, and flower tips in fruits may rot. 

Deficiency of Sulfur (S): Yellowing of new leaves, stunted growth, and reduced seed and fruit production.

Micronutrient deficiency: These vary depending on the micronutrient. For example, iron deficiency causes interveinal chlorosis. Also, zinc deficiency causes leaves to become small and distorted. 

If you see these symptoms in any plant, then you can very easily identify which nutrient is lacking in that plant. Once the symptoms are known, you can easily find the treatment accordingly.

 Physical benefits of coconut and olive oil, and difference between them.

Physical benefits of coconut and olive oil, and difference between them.

Both coconut and olive oil are used for cooking. Due to its medicinal properties, its demand has been continuously increasing in the market for the last several years. We use many types of edible oils to prepare food. These oils are a fundamental part of our everyday diet and play an important role in enhancing the taste of our favorite dishes. Coconut and olive oil are known for their health benefits and due to their medicinal properties, the demand in the market has been continuously increasing for the last several years. Well, today in this article we are going to tell you the characteristics of coconut and olive oil used for cooking. Food prepared with coconut and olive oil is quite tasty.

How is coconut oil extracted?

Coconut oil is extracted from the pulp of ripe coconuts. It is used extensively as food in tropical areas. Let us tell you that coconut oil contains a lot of fatty acids, excessive consumption of which can harm our body.

 Also read: Central government approves minimum support price of 'Copra' coconut

Benefits of consuming coconut oil.

Coconut oil plays an important role in reducing body weight

Coconut oil can be used to lose weight. The oil contains medium chain fatty acids like lauric acid, caprylic acid and capric acid, which help in reducing the weight of our body.

Coconut oil makes digestion better

Coconut oil helps in good digestion in the body. By using coconut oil in cooking, the digestive system of our body functions better. Apart from this, it is also beneficial for problems related to irritable bowel syndrome such as constipation, diarrhea and gas.

Coconut oil is helpful in diabetes

Coconut oil is considered best for the treatment of diabetes. According to research, virgin coconut oil has the ability to control diabetes, which must be used by diabetic patients. 

Also read: Detailed information related to cinnamon cultivation (How to Grow Cinnamon)

What are the benefits of olive oil?

Olive oil has moisturizing properties. Let us tell you that using it regularly protects our body from many diseases and health problems. Vitamin E, Vitamin K, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, minerals and antioxidants are present in olive oil.

Use of olive oil is helpful in better eye health

Nowadays we work on computers, TV and mobile all day long. In such a situation, for special care of eyes, you should use olive oil in your food. Consuming this will increase blood circulation around your eyes. Besides, fatigue also goes away.

Olive oil reduces the risk of high blood pressure

At present, everyone faces the problem of high blood pressure due to work pressure, stress and other problems. In such a situation, you must include olive oil in your diet. It reduces the problem of high blood pressure in our body.

 Also read: Farmers can get production for 50 years by planting an almond tree once.

Olive oil controls the cholesterol level

You can use olive oil to protect yourself against cholesterol. The saturated fat present in it controls the blood cholesterol level in our body. Polyphenols in extra virgin olive oil regulate our physical blood circulation. Along with this, olive oil also provides many other benefits to the human body.

Historical information related to World Food Day 2023

Historical information related to World Food Day 2023

World Food Day is celebrated every year on 16 October. This is a campaign to deal with hunger at the international level and increase food security. The theme of World Food Day 2023 is based on "Water is life, water is food".

World Food Day is celebrated every year on 16th  October. This is a campaign to deal with hunger at the international level and increase food security. The theme of World Food Day 2023 is "Water is life, water is food". Through this campaign, organisations around the world will unite and try to make civilians and governments around the world aware of global starvation and food security. Currently this day is being celebrated all over the world with 150 countries and more than 50 languages. In this, from national level governments to the corporate world, farmers and common citizens are all included.

M / s. Swaminathan is being remembered for this day

MS Swaminathan is the father of the Green Revolution in India.  Due to Swaminathan's efforts, India is providing food grains to various countries of the world today. On the occasion of World Food Day, MS  Swaminathan is remembered in the category of prominent persons in the world . . For your information, let us tell that during the 1960s, he emphasised the use of high - yield variety (HYV) seeds, farming mechanisms, irrigation system, manure and pesticides. As a result, today India is the second largest food exporting country in the world.

World Food Day 2023 theme is based on

With the establishment of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, this day found its global identity. It is a global annual program, which is celebrated  together worldwide. The theme of World Food Day 2023 is based on "Water is life, water is food".

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Learn about the history of World Food Day

It starts from the year 1945. When the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization was established. Along with this, it was globally recognized in the 20th FAO conference in the year 1979. Today, more than 150 countries around the world celebrate this day together. At the same time, we work to spread awareness on topics like food security and starvation.

 Learn about the specialty of foxglove flower and its disadvantages

Learn about the specialty of foxglove flower and its disadvantages

As beautiful as the foxglove flower looks, it is also many times more dangerous. Actually, if anyone consumes it, then he can suddenly get a heart attack at any time. Because it contains a powerful compound called cardiac glycosides.

The beauty and fragrance of the flower attracts everyone, due to which its demand in the market is very high. In India, different types of flowers are cultivated, which are very beautiful to see. But the products made in it are much more dangerous. Today we are going to give you information about one such flower, which is very beautiful in appearance. But, as beautiful as it is, it is also harmful. Actually, the name of the flower we are talking about is Foxglove. When scientists researched this flower, it was seen that consuming products made from this flower increases the risk of heart attack. Because, inside this flower, a powerful compound called cardiac glycosides is present. Foxglove flower is most commonly used in herbal medicine.

The foxglove flower would have venom inside it

According to media reports, the foxglove flower contains a very powerful compound called cardiac glycosides. Which is like poison for our body. Consuming it can also cause heart-related disease. Due to this flower, a person can also have a sudden heart attack. It is being said that this flower can also cause conditions like ventricular fibrillation.

Also read: Bundelkhand farmers are benefiting a lot from the cultivation of Bluecon flower

When does this flower come in handy?

For your information, let us know that the biggest feature of this flower is that it is used at the time when all types of medicines stop working. In such a situation, medicine made from this flower plant is consumed so that it can be saved. Research has found that this flower acts directly on the heart muscles. If a person's heart stops working, then the foxglove flower also acts as a lifeline. It pumps blood throughout the human body.

Also read: Remove financial constraints by planting lantana flowers in your home pot

Why should you not consume foxglove flowers?

This foxglove flower is very helpful for heart failure patients. But, on the other hand, if another person accidentally puts this flowering plant in his mouth, then he should immediately show the doctor around him. Otherwise, he can lose his life from this poisonous plant. By consuming it, the person has to face problems related to vomiting, dizziness, nausea, skin irritation, headache, diarrhoea, blurriness, problems related to urination.

Benefits of eating jawar,millet and ragi

Benefits of eating jawar,millet and ragi

For your information, let us tell you that coarse grains like jawar, millet and ragi are rich in minerals like fiber, vitamins, iron and protein. Also, these grains are known as gluten-free superfoods, which are extremely helpful in controlling diabetes. In such a situation, today we will tell you about the benefits of consuming coarse grains such as ragi, millet and jawar.

For a long time, the discussion of coarse grains has intensified among the people not only in India but all over the world. Because this year i.e. 2023 is being celebrated as the International Year of Millets on the call of the Government of India. The Government of India, which is engaged in promoting the cultivation and use of coarse grains, is constantly making efforts to ensure that coarse grains reach every household in India. Also, people can get information about the benefits of consuming coarse grains.

Benefits of eating coarse grains

In fact, it is clearly evident that millets like jowar, bajra and ragi are rich in minerals like vitamins, iron, protein and fibre. Also, these grains are known as gluten-free superfoods, which are extremely helpful in controlling diabetes. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye and barley. Also, a gluten-free diet helps in improving health, reducing weight and increasing energy.

Also, eating millets can be beneficial for individuals who have heart-related diseases. Because by eating jawar and millet blood circulation remains very good. In such a situation if you are a heart patient then you must consume jawar and millet. Apart from this, Shri anna is also very beneficial in increasing the digestive power in case of constipation or acidity in the stomach. Let us tell you that millets are also known as immunity boosters. Millets have been considered excellent in relieving various health problems like asthma, metabolism and diabetes.

People suffering from this disease should not eat coarse grain.

Hypothyroidism is also known as underactive thyroid. If a person is suffering from this disease, they should avoid consuming coarse grains. Because, coarse grains contain goitrogen which can hinder the absorption of iodine. However, when food is cooked, the amount of goitrogens present in it can be reduced due to cooking. But it can't be completely eliminated.

When, how and why is the planting of Rudraksha plant done?

When, how and why is the planting of Rudraksha plant done?

Today we will give you information about Rudraksha plant in this article of Mary Kheti. As we all know, Rudraksha has a special spiritual significance in Hinduism. There are very important things about Rudraksha, which will be very good for you to know. Most of the people plant Rudraksha in their home, so that they can get a Mukhi Rudraksha at their home. However, there is absolutely no guarantee that a Mukhi Rudraksha is found from this plant. However, you are following some tips, which increases its chances. If you can achieve a Mukhi Rudraksha. However, no scientific evidence of this has been seen.

What is the suitable soil for better growth of Rudraksha plants?

Select the suitable soil for Rudraksha plant. For Rudraksha plants, use light and nutrient -rich soil. After that take a pot, which is equivalent to the size of the plant. The pot should be so big that the roots of the plant can ensure proper space to spread. Holes in the floor of the pot are very important, so that drainage can occur. Fill the soil inside the pot and plant the plant in it. After that, add water to the plant better.

Also read: Learn information related to expensive vanilla plant than saffron

At what time is it considered appropriate to plant Rudraksha?

A good time to plant Rudraksha plants can be winter. Because, to develop it, there is a lot of coolness. Keep this plant inside the shed. If you live in a very hot place. If the temperature is more than 35 degrees, preserve it with direct sunlight. So that it can fruit and flow with ease. Keep it completely in the sun. He likes light and air places. However, intense sunlight is not considered favourable for him.

Take special care of these things for Rudraksha production

Keep the plant better dry.

Keep the plant in the sun in the morning or evening.

Give organic manure per month to the plant.

Check the plant regularly or treat any disease or insect infection quickly.

What has the Yogi government announced for farmers in the budget?

What has the Yogi government announced for farmers in the budget?

Lakhs of farmers in the state will benefit from the new announcements of the government. In these schemes, there has been mention of providing direct economic benefits to the farmers ranging from crops and irrigation. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath's government has presented the budget in Uttar Pradesh. Some big gifts have been provided to the farmers in this budget. 

Finance Minister of Uttar Pradesh Government, Suresh Khanna has announced it while presenting the budget. These new announcements of the government will benefit lakhs of farmers in the state. In these schemes, there is mention of irrigation of crops and providing direct economic benefits to the farmers. 

These facilities were announced in the UP budget 

The Uttar Pradesh government has lifted the ban on new private tube well connections in the dark zone. About one lakh farmers will benefit from this decision of the Uttar Pradesh government. Along with this, the price of early varieties of sugarcane has been increased from Rs 350 to Rs 370 for the crushing season 2023-2024. The price of common variety sugarcane has been increased from Rs 340 to Rs 360. Along with this, the price of unsuitable varieties of sugarcane has been increased from Rs 335 to Rs 355. Along with this, seasonal tariff benefits and the facility of temporary electrical connectors have also been provided for the irrigation of Rabi crops in the Bundelkhand area. 

Also read: This scheme of the Center will help in reducing water consumption and expenses of farmers.

Yogi government increased the pension of women farmers 

In the budget, the Uttar Pradesh government has also provided a lot of benefits to those women farmers whose husbands have died. Earlier, ₹500 per month was being provided by the government as a destitute women's pension. But, now it has been increased to a 3thousand rupees. Under the Women Farmer Empowerment Project, these women will also be provided technical support by forming 200 producer groups.