

 Let's know complete information about cashew nut cultivation

Let's know complete information about cashew nut cultivation

Cashew nut is a popular nut of India. Cashew nuts are about an inch thick. Cashew is a type of tree that is used as a dry fruit. Cashew nuts are encased inside a shell with two layers, and this shell is smooth and oily. Cashew nuts are produced in many states of the country like India. For example: West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Orissa, Maharashtra and Goa.

When and How to cultivate cashew nuts?

Cashew nuts are cultivated by farmers in the months of April and May. The land is first prepared by the farmers for the cultivation of cashew nuts. In this, unnecessary plants and shrubs on the land are uprooted. After this, the field is ploughed 3-4 times, after ploughing, the field is levelled by applying pata. After that, after making the land more fertile, cow dung manure is also used by the farmers. As per the requirement, the farmers plough the field well by adding manure to the field.

How to Sow?

For sowing cashew plants, pits are made in the field at a distance of 15-20 metres in the field. The pits are left empty for at least 15 -20 days. After that, DAP and dung manure are mixed in the top soil and filled well. Keep in mind that the land near the pits is not such that there is a problem of watering, it can have a great effect on the cashew plant.

Also Read: Farmers can earn good income in no time from this dry fruit cultivation

It is considered better to plant cashew plants in the rainy season. After sowing, sowing and hoeing work is done by the farmers from time to time to prevent weeds in the field.

Improved varieties of cashew nuts 

There are different varieties of cashew nuts that can be produced by farmers. Vegurla-4, Ullal-2, Ullal-4, BPP-1, BPP-2, T-40 are all the major varieties of cashew nuts, by producing which the farmer can earn more profit. Most of these varieties are produced in states like Madhya Pradesh, Kerala, Bengal, Orissa and Karnataka.

Climate and soil suitable for cashew cultivation

Cashew nuts can be cultivated in all types of soil. Most of the cashew nuts are produced in rainfed areas, so seaside, red and laterite soils are considered better for cashew cultivation. Cashew nut is mainly produced in the state of Jharkhand, because the soil and climate here are considered suitable for cashew cultivation. Cashew nut is considered a tropical crop, hence its production requires a hot and hot climate.

Suitable manure and fertilisers for cashew cultivation

For more production of cashew nut cultivation, farmers can use urea, potash and phosphate along with cow dung manure. In the first year, 70 gms of phosphate, 200 gms of urea and 300 gms of urea are used by the farmers. After some time, its quantity should be doubled with the growth of the crop. Farmers should also keep an eye on the problem of pests and weeds in the field on time.

Also Read: First consignment of cashew nuts from Odisha exported to Bangladesh with APEDA support

For good production of cashew nuts, farmers should prune the trees from time to time. All this is necessary to give a good structure to the cashew tree. Farmers should keep checking the cashew trees, and from time to time the drying twigs or diseased twigs in the tree should be removed. There are many pests in cashew nut crop, which scorch the plant by sucking the juice of new shoots and leaves coming in the cashew tree.

When is cashew crop harvested

The cashew crop is ready from February to April. The entire cashew crop is not harvested, only the fallen nuts are collected. After collecting the nuts, they are dried thoroughly in the sun. After drying them well in the sun, they are filled in jute bags by the farmers. These bags are kept at a high place to keep the crop away from moisture.

The botanical name of cashew nuts is Anacardium occidentale L. Many nutritional properties are also found in cashew nuts along with nutrients. Which are very beneficial for health. Cashew nuts are also used to increase brain function. Cashew nuts have also proved beneficial in people who have problems related to bones, diabetes and haemoglobin.

So far, 33 varieties of cashew nuts have been identified, but only 26 varieties are sold in the market. Of which the variety of W-180 is considered to be the "king of cashew nuts", because it contains many bioactive compounds, which meet the lack of blood in our body, help fight diseases like cancer, are beneficial in pain and inflammation in the body.

Organic farming is very beneficial for farmers, there is increasing demand for organic products

Organic farming is very beneficial for farmers, there is increasing demand for organic products

Organic farming also helps in fighting cancerous diseases of the heart and brain. Natural vegetables and fruits with exercise bring out the best in your life.

Organic farming is considered the protector of the environment. Since the Corona epidemic, there has been a lot of awareness among the people about health. The intellectual class is giving priority to vegetables grown from organic farming in place of vegetables grown from chemical food.

More than two times the production has been produced in the last 4 years

For the last four years in India, the area of organic farming has increased and more than doubled. The area was 29.41 lakh hectare in 2019-20, it increased to 38.19 lakh hectare in 2020-21 and in last year 2021-22 it was 59.12 lakh hectares.

Very helpful in fighting many serious diseases

Organic farming based on natural pesticides also helps in fighting cancer and dangerous diseases of the heart and brain. Natural vegetables and fruits with exercise can bring out the best in your life.

Also read: Return from chemical to organic farming

India is in the entire global market

India is rapidly focusing on the global market of organic farming. There is so much demand that the supply is not met. There is definitely a lot of potential in the field of organic farming in the coming years. All people are becoming aware of their health.

Start organic farming in this way

In general, people ask questions, how to start organic farming? For organic farming, first you want to do farming. Understand the soil there. Before starting organic farming, farmers start with training, then the challenges can be reduced considerably. The farmer understands the demand of the market and selects the crop, which crop should be grown. For this, farmers must take advice and opinion from experts from their nearest Krishi Vigyan Kendra or Agricultural Universities.

Detailed information about beneficial garlic crop for health

Detailed information about beneficial garlic crop for health

Garlic is cultivated on a large scale in most states of India. It is cultivated by farmers between October and November. In the cultivation of garlic, the buds are sown under the ground by farmers and covered with soil. Before sowing, see that the tubers are not spoiled, if the tuber is spoiled, the entire garlic crop can be spoiled.

While sowing garlic, the distance between the buds should be the same. Garlic cultivation requires very low temperatures. Its crop is neither required to have much cold nor too much heat. Garlic contains an element called Elsin, causing smell of garlic.

Climate suitable for garlic cultivation

We need a normal temperature for garlic cultivation. The ripening of garlic tubers depends on its temperature. Garlic crops can also be spoiled due to excessive cold and heat.

How to prepare garlic field

After ploughing the garlic field well, use cow dung in the field, and mix it well in the soil. Plough the field again so that cow dung manure can be mixed well in the field. After this, you can do irrigation work in the field. If any diseases like weeds are seen in the field, then we can also use chemical fertiliser for that.

Also read: Earn millions in 6 months by producing garlic biologically

What are the benefits of eating garlic:

  • Help in increasing immunity

Eating garlic increases immunity, it contains elements called Elsin. Which helps in increasing the immunity inside the body. Garlic contains zinc, phosphorus and magnesium which is very beneficial for our body.

  • Helps to reduce cholesterol

Garlic is helpful in reducing cholesterol, increasing cholesterol is harmful to our health. They are helpful in removing useless cholesterol. Garlic is helpful in reducing heart -related problems by thinning the blood.

  • Prevention of diseases like cancer

Garlic is also helpful in prevention of cancer disease. There are many elements found inside garlic that prevent the growing cells of cancer from spreading. Garlic is considered beneficial for people suffering from cancer.

Also read: Protect from garlic pest diseases

  • Aid in digestion process

Eating garlic is considered accessible to digestion. By taking garlic in the diet, it reduces inflammation on the intestines. Eating garlic ends insects in the stomach. Also, it benefits the intestines. Eating garlic destroys the useless bacteria inside the body.

What are the harm caused by eating garlic

Eating garlic has many benefits, but sometimes it is harmful to use more garlic. Know the disadvantages caused by excessive use of garlic:

  • Harmful for people with low blood pressure

Eating garlic is considered better for people with high blood pressure, but this can have side effects on people with low blood pressure. Garlic effect is hot, due to which it is not beneficial for people with low blood pressure. Its food can cause nausea and burning sensation on the chest etc.

  • Problems like gas and acidity can occur

Eating garlic can cause many problems related to digestion, eating more garlic can also cause diseases like diarrhoea. People with weak digestive bears do not get much garlic digestion well, due to which diseases like stomach gas, pain and acidity are also produced.

Also read: Garlic yield can be obtained in how long

  • Promotes problems like bloodshed and allergies

Those who consume garlic daily may have problems like blood pressure. Garlic should not be used by people suffering from allergies. If a person already has allergies, then he can use garlic by consulting health consultation.

Garlic is mostly consumed during the winter season, because garlic is hot. In winter, roasted garlic is eaten by most people, because it is helpful in reducing weight and keeping the heart healthy. But using garlic more than necessary can also cause many damage to the body. Consuming garlic on an empty stomach can also cause problems like acidity.

Garlic has some disruptions that dilute blood, which are good for heart related problems. If garlic is used more, it may face challenges like bleeding. The best way to eat garlic is that you consume garlic with a glass of warm water on an empty stomach in the morning. It controls health related problems. Also, it is considered extremely useful for skin diseases.

Produce these varieties of lady finger in the month of February

Produce these varieties of lady finger in the month of February

The month of February is going on and in this month, farmers should cultivate these top 5 advanced varieties of lady finger to increase their income. Which are capable of giving great yield in a short time. These varieties of lady finger are Arka Anamika, Punjab Padmini, Arka Abhay, Pusa Savani and Parbhani revolution. Farmers produce fruits and vegetables according to the season in the field to increase their income. In this chain, today we have brought information about the top 5 advanced varieties of lady finger for the farmers of the country. The okra we are talking about is Pusa Savani, Parbhani Kranti, Arka Anamika, Punjab Padmini and Arka Abhay Varia.

All these varieties are capable of giving great yield in a short time. The demand for these varieties of lady finger in the market remains throughout the year. These varieties of lady finger are produced in many states of India. These top 5 advanced varieties of lady finger contain plenty of vitamins, fibre, antioxidants and minerals as well as magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium and potassium.

5 advanced varieties of lady finger

Pusa Sawani Variety of lady finger- This advanced variety of lady finger can be produced easily during summer, cold and rainy season. Pusa Sawani variety of lady finger is ready in a period of about 60 to 65 days during the rainy season.

Lady finger's Parbhani Revolution - This variety of lady finger is considered to be a resistance to drinking. If farmers plant their seeds in farming, then they start giving fruits at the time of about 50 days. The transit revolution is dark green. Also, its length is up to 15–18 cm.

Also read: If lady fingers will grow, then fingers will get tired of counting money!

Arka Anamika Variety of lady finger- This variety is very capable of fighting Yellowen Mosaic Virus disease. This type of ladyfinger is not found hairy. Also, its fruits are very soft. This variety of lady finger is capable of giving great production in both heat and rain.

Punjab Padmini Variety of lady finger- This variety of lady finger has been developed by Punjab University. This type of lady finger is completely straight and smooth. Also, if we talk about its colour, this lady finger is dark in colour.

Arka Abhaya Variety of lady finger- This variety is capable of fighting Yelowen Mosaic Virus disease. The Arka Abhay variety of okra gives good production within a few days by planting it in the field. This variety of lady finger plants are 120–150 cm long and straight

 A new variety of maze, “Pratap-6” Developed by MPUAT of Udaipur

A new variety of maze, “Pratap-6” Developed by MPUAT of Udaipur

Maharana Pratap University of Agricultural Technology in Udaipur has developed a new variety of maize called Pratap-6. This variety is capable of producing 70 quintal per hectare. Farmers do various types of work to get the best production from their crops. Besides, they also select the best seeds of the crop. So that they can produce maximum yield in a short period of time. In this series, today we have brought information about new and improved varieties of maize seeds for the farmers which will give a production of about 70 quintals per hectare. 

This variety becomes ripe on the farm in about 80-85 days. This variety of maize is 'Pratap-6', which has been developed by Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology (MPUAT) of Udaipur city. A proposal has been sent to the Central Government regarding Pratap-6 varieties of maize. Let us tell you that as soon as this proposal is approved by the government, this variety will be handed over to the farmers.

Different benefits of Pratap-6 variety of maize

Maize is said to be the best source of energy for the human body. That's because it contains abundant amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins. Apart from this, it contains essential minerals for the body like phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper, iron etc. Due to this, farmers easily get the best price for maize in the market.

Also read: Environment and soil for corn production and different disease and there remedies

The new variety of maize Pratap-6 is very beneficial for the farmers as well as the animals. Let us tell you that this new variety of maize plant remains green even after ripening, feeding it to cattle can result in improvement in their health. It is being said that Pratap-6 variety plant is an excellent quality green fodder for cattle. It is estimated that except the Indian market, there may be more demand for Pratap-6 variety of maize in the foreign market also. Pratap-6 variety of maize is resistant to stem rot disease, nematode and borer etc.

How much maize is produced in India? 

Indian farmers are earning good income by cultivating maize in approximately 90 lakh hectares. Maize is cultivated in 1.50 lakh hectares in Udaipur alone. For your information, let us tell you that maize is cultivated in more than 9 lakh hectares of land in the entire state.

Know about the varieties of maize grow around the world

Know about the varieties of maize grow around the world

We are going to tell you about the glass gem corn variety of maize. This species was first produced in the Americas. However, today it is also produced on a large scale in various other countries. This species is also very beneficial in physical benefits. You must have heard a lot about various advanced varieties of maize. But, today we are going to tell you about one such multi coloured maize specie of America, which is the subject of discussion among people today. This specie of maize is also known as glass gem corn. Actually, this specie was first produced in America, not in India. But its colourful grains have made it a favourite in many countries today. Today many farmers in India are also earning big money from this variety. The cultivation of glass gem corn can be done anywhere in today's time.

Who developed this type of variety

Although the story behind the development of this variety of maize may sound strange, it is very important to know the truth. The credit of its development was given by a farmer of America, Karl Banners. In fact, at that time he had experimented with a variety of maize called Oklahoma growing in his maize field. At present, it is grown in many countries of the world.

Also readFarmers can earn good profits by choosing these varieties for maize cultivation . 

How can you grow these plants?

To grow these plants, you first need to collect its seeds. After this, make the seeds of glass jam corn in the field or garden with a distance of 30 inches in the soil you have developed. At the same time, when it comes to planting glass gem corn seeds, you should plant them at a distance of 6-12 inches. However, in such a situation, you keep giving fertiliser and water from time to time. In a few days it will be ripe and ready for harvest. For your information, let us know that it takes about 120 days to ripen.

This fruit is very useful for the body.

This is important not only for appearance, but also for physical health. This fruit is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, iron and Vitamin E. It is also rich in calcium and minerals. That is why this variety is useful in getting rid of various diseases of the body. You can also include this vegetable in your daily diet.

Farmers surrounded DM's office out of control after seeing their dry soybean crop

Farmers surrounded DM's office out of control after seeing their dry soybean crop

DM Shivraj Singh Verma says that not only in Khargone district, there was no rain in the entire state during August. There has been very little rainfall and information about crop damage has been received from farmers. We have also alerted the team of the Agriculture Department and Revenue Department and asked them to monitor the commodity situation and go to the fields and see what is the condition of the crops.

Frustrated farmers surrounded the DM office due to the drying up of soybean crops in Khargone, Madhya Pradesh. Farmers reached DM's office with dry soybean crops. But, seeing the gate of DM's office closed, the anger of the farmers increased further. The farmers opened the gate of the DM office and entered inside. They surrounded the DM office and staged a dharna there, after which the farmers of Jhirnya fed the dry soybean crop to the animals.

Angered by the drying up of soybean and cotton crops across Khargone district, a large number of farmers reached the DM office carrying dry soybean crops. The farmers got angry when the gate of the DM complex was closed. The angry farmers opened the door and reached the DM office shouting slogans. Slogans were raised against the electricity officer and DM. A large number of farmers sat on strike. Farmers arrived from Bhikangaon, Bhagwanpura, Barwah, Maheshwar, and Jhirnya tehsils of the entire district.

Angry farmers raised slogans against the administration and DM

Farmers raised slogans against the government, police, administration, and DM in front of the DM office. Farmers staged a protest in front of the DM office for several hours. After getting assurance of 2 days from the district administration, the farmers ended their protest at around 5 pm.

Also read: Panic among farmers, soybean crop destroyed due to outbreak of Kevda disease

The electricity company is doing its own thing - Farmers Union

Farmers Union District President Sadashiv Patidar says that the electricity distribution company has made a schedule to provide electricity for 7 hours as per their wish. We had gathered here through a memorandum to give information. But the question remains that the gate of the collector's office was closed before our arrival. Due to this, the farmers became aggressive and all the farmers have reached here. Presently DM Saheb is residing at home and information has been received that he is very busy in elections. Our point is that when there are no people left to vote, then for whom will the elections be held? It has been said by the electricity distribution company that this schedule has been prepared from above.

Apple production is expected to decline significantly this year

Apple production is expected to decline significantly this year

Cold wave and snowfall are wreaking havoc in the country. But, apple production in the country may decline considerably due to less rain and snowfall than last year. According to the Meteorological Department, there is a possibility of rain-snowfall in the coming days. However, it is not conducive for the apple to complete its chilling period. There is a very bad news for apple farmers. Apple yields in India are expected to decline this year due to below-average rainfall and snowfall. This can pose a big challenge for apple growers. In fact, apple producing states like Uttarakhand, Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh have received almost no snowfall this time. Because of this, farmers are very worried.

Even after more than a week in the month of January, there has been no rain in these states. There is no sign of snowfall due to lack of rain. Due to this, the apple crop is not getting the winter season as per the requirement. In this situation, experts have said that due to less snowfall, the size of the apple will be greatly affected and its sweetness will also decrease.

Huge decrease in apple production expected

Horticulturists say that if there is no rain and snowfall on a few days,apple yields can decline by 20 to 25 percent. Due to the decline in apple yield, the price of apple can also increase significantly. It is being said that due to lack of rain, moisture has disappeared from the land. As a result, apple plants are not getting enough moisture. According to experts, a minimum chilling period of 800 to 1000 hours is required for the growth of apple plants. But, due to lack of rain and snowfall, the chilling period has not been completed. In such a situation, apple yields are likely to be affected significantly.

Also read: This state government is giving 50% percent subsidy to farmers on apple cultivation, apply soon


Farmers are also praying to God for rain and snowfall

If we take a look at Himachal Pradesh, the farmers here are also disappointed due to lack of rain and snowfall. As a result of lack of rain and snowfall in the state, the apple business worth Rs 5500 crore is facing a lot of crisis. Because, the snowfall has not started yet, due to which the process of chilling period has not even started. This has increased the concern of thousands of gardeners in the state. In such a situation, gardeners are praying to the gods and goddesses for rain and snowfall.


What message has IMD given about rain?

Apples are an extremely tasty crop. Apart from Himachal Pradesh, apple is also cultivated on a large scale in Uttarakhand. There are apple orchards in about 25 thousand hectare area, which produces about 67 thousand tonnes of apples every year. Farmers grow apples in districts like Uttarkashi, Nainital, Champawat, Chamoli, Dehradun, Bageshwar and Almora. Also, pulum, pear and apricots are also cultivated by farmers in these areas. This is the reason that the farmers here are very upset due to lack of rain and snowfall. Farmers say that if there is no rain and snowfall, it will destroy their crops. Also, according to the Meteorological Department, there is a possibility of rain-snowfall in Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh in the next few days.

Gaillardia is a flower that blooms for more than 6 months, know complete information

Gaillardia is a flower that blooms for more than 6 months, know complete information

Gaillardia is also known as the blanket flower. It is a perennial plant, it can be cultivated in any season. Gaillardia is a plant of the Asteraceae family. This flower is named after the 18th-century French magistrate, Maitre Gaillard de Charentonneau, who besides being a magistrate, was also a very capable botanist. The height of this plant is 45-60 cm. These plants are mostly used to decorate the lawn and balcony of the house. 

Improved varieties of Gaillardia flower

There are many varieties of Gaillardia, on which beautiful flowers with a mixture of maroon, red, yellow, and orange bloom. Some of the improved varieties of Gaillardia flower are Gaillardia aestivalis (Walter) H. Rock, Gaillardia amblyodon H. Lyrical Maroon Blanket Flower, Gaillardia aristata Pursh, Gaillardia arizonica A. Gray. Farmers can earn huge profits by producing these varieties. 

Also read: Know how to cultivate sunflower

When to sow Gaillardia flower seeds

The best time for Gaillardia cultivation is February and March. The seeds of this flower are sown in this month. The proper temperature of sunlight is necessary for the germination of seeds. These flowers do not require much care. After 30-40 days these seeds become ready for seedling. They can be transplanted into pots or any other pot etc. Flowers start appearing about three months after planting the seeds, and these plants keep giving flowers for more than 6 months. That means these plants continue to flower until the cold arrives. 

Which is the suitable soil for growing Gaillardia flowers?

Gaillardia flower can be grown in any soil, but alkaline, loamy, and acidic soil are considered suitable for its cultivation. For sowing the seeds, first prepare the field properly and hoe the field properly. Cow dung or compost can also be used by farmers while preparing the field. For this, land with good drainage is required. 

Also read: Detailed information related to evergreen plants

What is the proper temperature for Gaillardia flowers? 

Gaillardia requires proper temperature for flowering. Gaillardia seeds require a temperature of 21 degrees for good germination. For good growth of flowers, a temperature between 20 -30 degrees is required. This plant can tolerate high summer temperatures, but temperatures below 10 degrees in winter can hinder the growth of this plant. 

How to care for Gaillardia flower

Gaillardia flower does not require much care. After sowing, irrigation is also done in very small quantities. Gaillardia plant is drought tolerant, hence it requires less water. Flowers start appearing on the plant in spring and summer, at that time this plant needs water. The amount of irrigation of the plant is reduced in winter. 

There is no need for other chemical fertilizers for the higher yield of the plant. Use compost manure while preparing the field, it is better for both the crop and the land. Also, this plant has very less chances of getting affected by pests and diseases. However, the problem of root rot is more common in Gaillardia flowers. Due to this disease, the roots of the plant start rotting, this can also happen due to the effect of excess water, which is why it is necessary to make arrangements for drainage for its cultivation. Also, the land should be dry and there should not be much moisture in it, excess moisture also harms the plant. 

Gaillardia flower pruning 

Gaillardia flowers bloom for 6 months. After the flowers bloom, its trees dry and wither. To improve the quality of these flowers, their stems are cut. Also, the flowers should be deadheaded throughout the growing season so that it can encourage the flowers to bloom continuously. Pruning of the Gaillardia flower is done in the autumn season, by doing this the plant remains beautiful and healthy. 

Also read: These flowers are used in making medicines, farmers can earn big money in this way

Piccata and Lorenzia are also varieties of Gaillardia flowers. The Gaillardia plant bears large flowers. For sowing, 300 grams of seeds are required per hectare. For the cultivation of the Gaillardia flower, plow the field well. Sow the seeds when the soil becomes friable. While sowing, phosphorus and potash should also be given in the field, this maintains the fertility of the land. To cultivate Gaillardia, a separate nursery is prepared for sowing the seeds. This nursery is built on high and flat places, about four beds are made in one acre of field, each 3 feet wide and 10 feet long. Seeds should be treated before sowing

Essential works to be done in horticulture crops in the month of March

Essential works to be done in horticulture crops in the month of March

 Special attention should be paid to seed vegetables by farmers. Farmers should keep monitoring of chepa in vegetables. If the crop is affected by chepa, then to control it, mix 25 ml of imedacloprid per liter of water and spray it when the sky is clear. Do not harvest ripe fruits immediately after spraying. Pluck ripe fruits at least 1 week later.

1. Sowing of pumpkin vegetables is also done in this month. Pumpkin vegetables like cucumber, bottle gourd, bitter gourd, zucchini, chappan pumpkin, petha, watermelon and muskmelon. All these vegetables also have different varieties.

Cucumber - Japanese Long Green, Pusa Uday, Poinsett and Pusa Combination.

Gourd - Pusa Sandesh, Pusa Hybrid, Pusa Naveen, Pusa Samriddhi, Pusa Santushti and PSPL.

Bitter gourd - Pusa two seasonal, Pusa special Pusa hybrid.

Smooth zucchini - Pusa Sneha, Pusa Supriya.

Chappan Pumpkin - Australian Green, Patty Penn, Pusa Alankar.

Muskmelon - Green honey, Punjab golden, Durgapura honey, Lucknow Safeda and Punjab hybrid.

Also read: Why is the month of March, the treasure of vegetables: Full details ( Vegetables to Sow in the Month of March in Hindi)

2. Sowing of ladyfinger and cowpea is also done at this time. Varieties like A-4 and Parbhani Kranti can be adopted for early sowing of bhindi. Improved varieties of cowpea like Pusa Komal, Pusa Sukomal and Pusa Faguni can be sown. For seed treatment of both crops, treat 1 kg of seed with 2 grams of thiram or captan.

3. At this time, lightly irrigate the onion crop. Do not use any manure and fertilizer at this stage of onion crop. Fertilizer will only increase the vegetative part of the onion and not the onion, its lump growth is less. Constant monitoring of thrips invasion. In case of thrips insect, spray 2 grams of Carbaryl in 4 liters of water mixed with 1 gram quantity of any adhesive substance like Tipol. But while spraying, keep in mind that the weather should be clear.

4. This month is good for sowing radish in the summer season. The temperature is also favorable for direct sowing of radish. The germination of seeds is good in this season. Seeds for sowing radish should be obtained from a certified source.

5. Garlic crop may also be attacked by bloch disease or pests at this time. To avoid this, mix 2 grams of mancozeb with 1 gram of Tipol etc.

Also read: Detailed information about garlic crop beneficial for health

6. To control the pod borer pest in brinjal crop in this season, the farmer should collect and burn the plants affected by this pest. If the outbreak of this pest is high, then mix 1 ml spinosad in 4 liters of water and spray it. This remedy can be done to control pod borer pests in tomato cultivation.


Do not use any kind of pesticide in mango cultivation in this month. But in case of excessive outbreak of mango maggot, 0.5% monocrotophos solution can be sprayed. In general, 0.5% Dinocap solution can be sprayed in case of outbreak of Kharra disease.

 Irrigate if there is a lack of moisture in fruits like grapes, peaches and plums. Also, transplant the prepared seedlings of marigold keeping in mind the weather. Before transplanting marigold, add the appropriate amount of manure to the field. Transplant marigold only when there is proper moisture in the field. Do not allow weeds to grow in the field. From time to time, the field should be sprayed, hoeed.

Interesting story of a famous actor leaving behind the life of glamor and doing farming for 5 years

Interesting story of a famous actor leaving behind the life of glamor and doing farming for 5 years

Interesting story of a famous actor leaving behind the life of glamor and doing farming for 5 years

You must have heard and read this many times that someone left a good job and started farming. But, have you heard that a TV actor, after reaching the peak of his glamour, turned to farming? Yes, today we will tell you the story of one such famous actor, who decided to leave his successful acting career and become a farmer. He himself has made a shocking revelation of the reason behind this. 

Acting is also called the world of glamor and if someone gets settled in this world then it becomes very difficult for him to come out of it. But there is also an actor who, despite having a successful career in acting, said goodbye to this world and became a farmer and started farming. This actor lived in the village for five years and did farming and grew crops.

From the world of glamor to farming

The name of this actor who left the world of glamor to become a farmer is Rajesh Kumar. Rajesh earned a lot of name by playing Rosesh in 'Sarabhai vs Sarabhai'. Apart from this, he has appeared in shows like 'Yam Kisi Se Kam Nahin', 'Neeli Chhatri Wale', 'Yeh Meri Family' and now has appeared in the recently released film Teri Baton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya. But before this, Rajesh continued farming in Bihar for 5 years.

Also read: Vegetable farming changed the fortunes of a young man, he earned huge profits 

What am I doing for the next generation? 

In an interview given to a media agency, Rajesh said- 'In 2017, I was at the height of my acting career on TV, when I decided to take up farming. While I was thoroughly enjoying doing TV, my heart was constantly asking me, what am I doing for the next generation, apart from leaving behind a few tapes of entertainment?

Why did Rajesh take a break from acting?

When asked about leaving the world of glamor and adopting the profession of a farmer, Rajesh said, 'I was not doing anything special or extra to contribute to the society. How will my children remember me? You did acting for yourself, for your safety, for your earning. I thought to myself, how will I leave any footprints behind me? That's when I went back to my hometown and grew crops. 

Also read:  Raghupat Singh ji brought more than 55 vegetables missing from the agricultural world into circulation and won 11 National Awards.

He faced many challenges while farming

Rajesh Kumar further said that when he continued farming for five years, many outlets said that he left acting to become a farmer or that he did not have money. However, he faced many challenges during this period and due to his education he was able to come out of all the difficulties.

Agriculture-related essential work in April.

Agriculture-related essential work in April.

Most of the work in April is related to harvesting of crops. In this month, farmers harvest Rabi crops and sow other crops. Some of the important work related to agriculture in this month is as follows.

Harvesting of Rabi Crops.

The harvesting of crops like wheat, peas, gram, barley lentils, etc. is done in this month only. It is very important to harvest these crops at the right time. If the crop is not harvested at the right time, the productivity and quality of the crop will be adversely affected. If harvested late, the pods and ears start breaking and falling. Apart from this, this crop can also be damaged by birds and rats.

The farmer can do the harvesting of the crop himself, or he can also get it harvested by machines. Some farmers harvest the crop with a sickle because there is very little loss of straw and grains in it. Harvesting the crop by combine is easier and takes much less time than sickle harvesting, and also saves money. 

To harvest with a combine, it is necessary to have 20% moisture in the crop. If the crop is being harvested with sickle etc. then dry the crop thoroughly and then start harvesting. Do not keep the crop stored in the field for a long time. Get the crop removed immediately using thresher etc.

Sowing of crops for green manure

In April, farmers sow green manure crops to increase the fertility of the land. Dhencha is also included in green manure crops. The sowing of Dhencha should be done by the end of April. Dhencha cultivation maintains the presence of nutrients in the soil. 

Also read: Green manure will give life to the soil and the farmer

Harvesting of gram and mustard

Mustard, potatoes, and gram are harvested in April. After harvesting all these crops, the farmer can also grow vegetables like ridge gourd, cucumber, tinda, bitter gourd, and cucumber. Keep in mind that while sowing, keep the distance from plant to plant between 50 cm to 100 cm. If all these vegetables have been sown, then take special care of irrigation. For higher crop production, spray Hydrozide and Tri Iodo Benzoic Acid mixed in water.

Sowing of Radish and Ginger

After harvesting Rabi crops, radish and ginger are sown in this month. RRW and Pusa Chetki varieties of radish can be grown in this month. Before sowing ginger, do seed treatment. For seed treatment use a drug called Bavistin. 

Also read: Cultivating ginger in this way will yield huge profits

Pests in Tomato crop

The sowing of tomatoes is done before April. To protect the tomato crop from fruit borer diseases in April, spray the Malathion chemical drug by mixing it in 1 ml of water. But before spraying, pluck ripe fruits. After spraying, do not harvest the fruits for 3-4 days.

Ladyfinger crop

Ladyfinger plants start bearing fruits from summer itself. Soft and unripe fruits are plucked for use. The fruits of Ladyfinger should be plucked at an interval of 3-4 days. If the fruits are harvested late, the fruits become bitter hard, and fibrous.

 Many times the leaves of the lady's finger plant start turning yellow, and the size of the fruits also becomes smaller. This disease in okra crops is caused by a yellow mosaic virus. To save the crop from this disease, the diseased plants can be uprooted and thrown away or the crop can be saved from destruction by using chemical pesticides.

Digging Onions and Garlic

Digging of onion and garlic is started in April. Irrigation work should be stopped 15-20 days before digging of onion and garlic. Dig the plant only when it dries thoroughly. The farmer can identify whether the plant is dry or not by breaking the tip of the plant. 

Also read: Farmers are worried in Bhopal, they are not getting fair prices for onion and garlic.

Caring of Capsicum

Capsicum crop should be irrigated at an interval of 8-10 days. To reduce weeds in the crop, weeding, and hoeing should also be done. To protect capsicum cultivation from insect attack, spray Roger 30 EC mixed with water. In case of severe pest infestation, spraying can be done again at an interval of 10-15 days.

Brinjal crop 

Constant monitoring should be done in the brinjal crop, there are more chances of stem and fruit borer insects in the brinjal crop. That is why pesticides should be used to protect the crop from pests.

Jackfruit crop 

Jackfruit cultivation can get spoiled due to diseases like rot. To prevent this, spray zinc carbamate solution.