

 Let's know complete information about cashew nut cultivation

Let's know complete information about cashew nut cultivation

Cashew nut is a popular nut of India. Cashew nuts are about an inch thick. Cashew is a type of tree that is used as a dry fruit. Cashew nuts are encased inside a shell with two layers, and this shell is smooth and oily. Cashew nuts are produced in many states of the country like India. For example: West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Orissa, Maharashtra and Goa.

When and How to cultivate cashew nuts?

Cashew nuts are cultivated by farmers in the months of April and May. The land is first prepared by the farmers for the cultivation of cashew nuts. In this, unnecessary plants and shrubs on the land are uprooted. After this, the field is ploughed 3-4 times, after ploughing, the field is levelled by applying pata. After that, after making the land more fertile, cow dung manure is also used by the farmers. As per the requirement, the farmers plough the field well by adding manure to the field.

How to Sow?

For sowing cashew plants, pits are made in the field at a distance of 15-20 metres in the field. The pits are left empty for at least 15 -20 days. After that, DAP and dung manure are mixed in the top soil and filled well. Keep in mind that the land near the pits is not such that there is a problem of watering, it can have a great effect on the cashew plant.

Also Read: Farmers can earn good income in no time from this dry fruit cultivation

It is considered better to plant cashew plants in the rainy season. After sowing, sowing and hoeing work is done by the farmers from time to time to prevent weeds in the field.

Improved varieties of cashew nuts 

There are different varieties of cashew nuts that can be produced by farmers. Vegurla-4, Ullal-2, Ullal-4, BPP-1, BPP-2, T-40 are all the major varieties of cashew nuts, by producing which the farmer can earn more profit. Most of these varieties are produced in states like Madhya Pradesh, Kerala, Bengal, Orissa and Karnataka.

Climate and soil suitable for cashew cultivation

Cashew nuts can be cultivated in all types of soil. Most of the cashew nuts are produced in rainfed areas, so seaside, red and laterite soils are considered better for cashew cultivation. Cashew nut is mainly produced in the state of Jharkhand, because the soil and climate here are considered suitable for cashew cultivation. Cashew nut is considered a tropical crop, hence its production requires a hot and hot climate.

Suitable manure and fertilisers for cashew cultivation

For more production of cashew nut cultivation, farmers can use urea, potash and phosphate along with cow dung manure. In the first year, 70 gms of phosphate, 200 gms of urea and 300 gms of urea are used by the farmers. After some time, its quantity should be doubled with the growth of the crop. Farmers should also keep an eye on the problem of pests and weeds in the field on time.

Also Read: First consignment of cashew nuts from Odisha exported to Bangladesh with APEDA support

For good production of cashew nuts, farmers should prune the trees from time to time. All this is necessary to give a good structure to the cashew tree. Farmers should keep checking the cashew trees, and from time to time the drying twigs or diseased twigs in the tree should be removed. There are many pests in cashew nut crop, which scorch the plant by sucking the juice of new shoots and leaves coming in the cashew tree.

When is cashew crop harvested

The cashew crop is ready from February to April. The entire cashew crop is not harvested, only the fallen nuts are collected. After collecting the nuts, they are dried thoroughly in the sun. After drying them well in the sun, they are filled in jute bags by the farmers. These bags are kept at a high place to keep the crop away from moisture.

The botanical name of cashew nuts is Anacardium occidentale L. Many nutritional properties are also found in cashew nuts along with nutrients. Which are very beneficial for health. Cashew nuts are also used to increase brain function. Cashew nuts have also proved beneficial in people who have problems related to bones, diabetes and haemoglobin.

So far, 33 varieties of cashew nuts have been identified, but only 26 varieties are sold in the market. Of which the variety of W-180 is considered to be the "king of cashew nuts", because it contains many bioactive compounds, which meet the lack of blood in our body, help fight diseases like cancer, are beneficial in pain and inflammation in the body.

Organic farming is very beneficial for farmers, there is increasing demand for organic products

Organic farming is very beneficial for farmers, there is increasing demand for organic products

Organic farming also helps in fighting cancerous diseases of the heart and brain. Natural vegetables and fruits with exercise bring out the best in your life.

Organic farming is considered the protector of the environment. Since the Corona epidemic, there has been a lot of awareness among the people about health. The intellectual class is giving priority to vegetables grown from organic farming in place of vegetables grown from chemical food.

More than two times the production has been produced in the last 4 years

For the last four years in India, the area of organic farming has increased and more than doubled. The area was 29.41 lakh hectare in 2019-20, it increased to 38.19 lakh hectare in 2020-21 and in last year 2021-22 it was 59.12 lakh hectares.

Very helpful in fighting many serious diseases

Organic farming based on natural pesticides also helps in fighting cancer and dangerous diseases of the heart and brain. Natural vegetables and fruits with exercise can bring out the best in your life.

Also read: Return from chemical to organic farming

India is in the entire global market

India is rapidly focusing on the global market of organic farming. There is so much demand that the supply is not met. There is definitely a lot of potential in the field of organic farming in the coming years. All people are becoming aware of their health.

Start organic farming in this way

In general, people ask questions, how to start organic farming? For organic farming, first you want to do farming. Understand the soil there. Before starting organic farming, farmers start with training, then the challenges can be reduced considerably. The farmer understands the demand of the market and selects the crop, which crop should be grown. For this, farmers must take advice and opinion from experts from their nearest Krishi Vigyan Kendra or Agricultural Universities.

 Record increase in wheat prices before Diwali

Record increase in wheat prices before Diwali

Wheat prices have risen again before Diwali, causing concern in the national capital Delhi where it has reached Rs 27,390 per metric ton in the wholesale market. It is expected that the prices may continue to rise in the coming days, as they did in January when wheat prices reached their highest level. Despite the Central Government's efforts, inflation has remained high, with one item's price rising as soon as another's falls. While the prices of tomatoes and green vegetables have gone down, wheat has become more expensive, potentially leading to food inflation. Traders have also noted that food imports are being affected by import duties, putting pressure on the government to remove export duties. As a result, the Central Government must release food items like wheat and rice from government reserves periodically to control inflation. The government must take proactive measures to control the prices of essential commodities, especially before the festive season, to provide relief to the common man.

Due to the increase in the price of wheat, the price of these food items will also increase.

According to agricultural experts, the demand for wheat has increased in the market due to festive days. At the same time, the supply of wheat has been greatly affected due to the increase in demand, due to which the prices have reached their highest level in 8 months. If this trend of increase in prices continues, retail inflation may increase further in the coming days. Wheat is a grain from which various types of food items are prepared. If the price of wheat increases, various food items including rotis, biscuits, pieces of bread, and cakes will become costlier.

40% import duty on wheat by the Government of India

The main thing is that the price of wheat in the national capital Delhi increased by 1.6% on Tuesday. Due to this, the price of wheat reached Rs 27,390 per metric ton in the wholesale market, which is the highest level since February 10. It is being said that wheat prices have increased by approximately 22% in the last six months. Also, Roller Floor Millers Federation President Pramod Kumar S has raised the demand with the Central Government to remove duty on wheat import. In fact, he has said that if the government removes the import duty on wheat, then its price can definitely come down. In fact, the Government of India has imposed a 40% import duty on wheat, and there does not seem to be any immediate plan to remove it.

Also read: Countrymen will not face the shock of inflation during the festive season – Food Secretary Sanjeev Chopra

Food prices will fall like this

Also, as of October 1, there were only 24 million metric tons of wheat in the government wheat stock. Which is much less compared to the five-year average of 37.6 million tonnes. However, the Center has procured 26.2 million tonnes of wheat from farmers in crop season 2023, short of the target of 34.15 million tonnes. At the same time, the Central Government estimates that wheat production in the crop season 2023-24 will be around 112.74 million metric tons. This will lead to a decline in the prices of food items.

Advice from agricultural scientists regarding sowing of vegetables

Advice from agricultural scientists regarding sowing of vegetables

Advice from agricultural specialists on seeding Zaid vegetables: In a few days, the time will come to seed Zaid vegetables (the crop grown between Rabi and Kharif). These crops are seeded between February and March. These crops mostly include cantaloupe, watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber, bottle gourd, ridge gourd, lady's finger, and taro roots.

Farmers who had sowed carrots, cauliflower, cabbage, potatoes, and sugarcane in their fields would suddenly find them empty. Farmers can plant Zaid veggies on the unoccupied fields. Farmers may benefit from these crops by selling them in the marketplaces throughout March, April, and May. This will give significant economic benefits to farmers.

Advice from agricultural specialists regarding vegetable sowing

Always plant veggies in rows. Plants of any vine crop, such as bottle gourd, ridge gourd, and tinda, should be seeded in the same bed rather than in separate locations. If you are growing bottle gourd vines, do not plant any other vines between them, such as bitter gourds or ridge gourds. Because honey bees act as pollinators between male and female flowers, they are unable to sprinkle pollen from other crop vines on female gourd blooms and must rely solely on pollen from bottle gourd vines to pollinate each other. So that the most fruits can be borne.

Also  read: Vegetable growing altered the fortunes of a young guy; makes him prosperous

Agricultural experts recommend vine vegetables

Vine vegetables such as gourd, ridge gourd, and tinda frequently have decaying and dropping fruits at an early stage. This occurs owing to incomplete pollination and fertilisation in these fruits. To avoid this problem, encourage honey bee migration. To seed vine veggies, cut a long groove 40-45 cm broad and 30 cm deep. Plant vegetables or saplings on both sides of the drain, keeping the gap between plants at 60 cm. To disseminate the vine, construct beds approximately 2 metres wide from the drain's margins. If there is shortage of space, the vine can be spread by fencing it with iron wires parallel to the drain. With the help of rope, the vine can be spread on the roof or any perennial tree.

How to prepare bananas before sending them to the market so that they get maximum benefit?

How to prepare bananas before sending them to the market so that they get maximum benefit?

After harvesting the banana from the virtual stem, the bananas are separated from the bunch in different hands. After this, put these hands in the water tank of alum @ 1 gram alum per 2.5 liters of water. After dipping these banana hands for about 3 minutes, take them out. The alum solution removes the natural wax on the banana peels and also cleans the insect debris on the fruit. It acts as a natural disinfectant. After this, the second tank contains anti-fungal liquid Huwa San, inside which there is hydrogen peroxide with liquid silver components which acts as an antifungal, which does not allow the fungus to grow.

Also read: Demand for indigenous bananas rises abroad, banana exports worth Rs 327 crore

Hua San is a biocide and is effective against all types of bacteria, viruses, yeast, mold and spore makers. Legionella is also effective against pneumophila. Environmentally friendly – practically becomes 100% degradable to water and oxygen. Its use does not create odor, does not change the taste of treated foods. Effectiveness and long-term effects are observed even at very high water temperatures. Rated as safe for consumption at the recommended dosage rate. No carcinogenic or mutagenic effect, does not react with ammonium-ions. It can be stored for a long time. No side effects of any kind have been observed from using at the 3% recommended rate. In this solution, dip the banana hands for 3 minutes. Dissolve Huwa san @ 1 ml per litre of water to make a solution. In this way, 250 ml of Huva San liquid is poured into a 500 liter water tank. After removing the bananas from these solutions, place the bananas on the surface of the mesh on a good drainage floor with a high-speed fan to remove excess water from the bananas. In this way, the initial preparation of bananas is done. Packed in specially designed cartons. Bananas prepared in this way are easily repaired or sent to foreign markets.

What is Huwa-san?

 The process of combining hydrogen peroxide and silver stabilizer is unique worldwide and is based on the original Huva-San technology, which was further developed in ROM technology over the past 15 years.

Also read: Cold wave affecting banana production

 This technique is unique because no other stabilizing agent such as acid is required to stabilize the peroxide. All this makes Huwa-San Technology's products non-residual and extremely powerful disinfectant. Huwa-San is a one stop biocidal product that is effective against bacteria, fungi, yeast, spores, viruses and even mycobacteria and hence this products can be used in many areas to disinfect water, surfaces, tools and even large empty areas through evaporation.

Over the past 15 years, Hueva-San products were extensively tested on a laboratory scale and on numerous field trials around the world. The abundance of information within HUA-San's broad application spectrum along with technical knowledge has been the key to worldwide success.

 Huwa-San has been thoroughly researched and developed in lab and field test settings, it is completely safe and as a result, HUA-SAN products meet the latest standards for disinfection.

Detailed information about important works related to carrot cultivation

Detailed information about important works related to carrot cultivation

Carrots are grown for consumption in raw form. Carrot is a very popular vegetable crop. Its root part is used by people for food. The upper part of the root is used to feed animals. Its raw leaves are also used to prepare vegetables. Various types of properties are present in carrots, due to which it is used in large quantities to make juice, salad, pickle, jam, vegetable, and carrot halwa.

It is very beneficial in increasing appetite and also for kidneys. The highest amount of Vitamin A is present in it. Along with this, an adequate amount of Vitamin B, D, C, E, and G is also present in it. Carrots contain an element called beta-carotene, which is very beneficial in the prevention of cancer. Earlier carrots were only red in color. But at present there are various improved varieties of carrots, in which yellow and light black colored carrots are also found. Carrots are grown in almost all areas of India.

Field preparation before carrot production

Before producing carrots, the field is deeply plowed in the best possible manner. Due to this, the old crops that remain present in the field are completely destroyed. After plowing, the field is plowed with water, which makes the soil moist. In moist soil, oblique plowing is done two to three times by using a rotavator. Due to this, the clods of soil present in the field soil get broken and the soil becomes brittle. The field is leveled by compacting the loose soil.

How much fertilizer should be given in the carrot field?

As we all know for the best yield of any crop, it is necessary to give an appropriate amount of fertilizer in the field. For this, after the first plowing of the field, up to 30 cartloads of old cow-dung manure has to be applied per hectare. Apart from this, at the time of final plowing of the field, 30 KG potash and 30 KG nitrogen have to be sprayed per hectare based on chemical fertilizer. Due to this, production is achieved in large quantities.

Also read: Carrot root disease and its remedies.

Time, method, and sowing of carrot cultivation

Carrot seeds are sown in seed form. For this, seeds are sprayed evenly on the ground. About 6 to 8 KG seeds are required in one-hectare field. Treat these seeds before planting them in the field. After sprinkling the seeds in the field, the field is lightly plowed. Due to this, the seed goes deeper into the field. After this, ridges are prepared in the form of beds using plow. After this, the crop is watered. Asian varieties of carrots are planted between August and October. Also, the sowing of European varieties is done between October to November.

When is the carrot crop irrigated?

The first irrigation of the carrot crop is done soon after seed transplantation. After this, initially, irrigation is done twice a week to keep the moisture in the field stable. At the same time, when the seeds come out of the ground, water them once a week. After one month, when the seeds start becoming plants, the plants have to be given less water. After this, when the roots of the plant become completely long, the amount of water has to be increased.

How is weed control done in carrot crops?

It is very important to control weeds in carrot crops. For this, weed control medicines are used only at the time of plowing the field. Even after this, if weeds are seen in the field, remove them from the field by weeding. During this time, if the roots of the plants become visible, the soil is covered over them.

Also read: Farmers can get good income by producing these major crops in the upcoming Rabi season.

What are the yield and benefits of carrots?

Based on good varieties of carrots, a high yield can be achieved, due to which farmers can get a production of about 300 to 350 quintals from one hectare field. There are some species which can yield only 100 quintals per hectare. By getting the produce in a short period, farmers also earn excellent profits. The market price of carrots is quite good in the beginning. If a farmer gets more production and sells carrots at a reasonable price, he can earn an income of up to Rs 3 lakh from one crop. Carrot cultivation is very beneficial for the farmers.

Farmers can earn big money every month by producing different types of vegetables in their fields.

Farmers can earn big money every month by producing different types of vegetables in their fields.

Farmers can earn a good income by cultivating many vegetables in one field. Farmer brothers can grow coriander, spinach, and tomato crops in one go.

Let us tell you about the intensity with which technology is developing. At the same pace, the use of new equipment and techniques in farming has also increased. If you also do farming, then the information provided here can be beneficial for you. A large population in India is dependent on agriculture. Because of this, India is also called an agricultural country. Changes with time have also made farming advanced. If farmers wish, they can earn good profits in a single crop. Many such vegetables give huge profits in a short time, especially include coriander, tomato, spinach, etc.

You can earn profits worth lakhs from vegetable farming

Talking about normal days, the price of tomato in the market is Rs 250 to 350 per carat. Farmers can earn lakhs of rupees in a year just by selling tomatoes. Also, if you cultivate and sell coriander, spinach, and chili, these will give you huge profits. Nowadays, horticulture crops are earning more income than traditional crops.

Also read: Farmer Shravan Singh became rich by producing horticulture crops.

Coriander-spinach production will yield good profits

Farmers can sow all these vegetables in the same field. These vegetables do not require much space. To earn a good income from these vegetables, farmers can plant coriander and spinach on the ridges of their fields. On the other side of the ridge, farmers can also cultivate tomatoes and chilies.

Farmers can also produce these vegetables

For your information, to earn a better income, farmers can grow many crops in the middle of the fields beside the ridges. Farmer brothers can grow okra, potato, cauliflower, and bitter gourd here. All these vegetables are sold in the market at good prices. If farmers follow all the points mentioned here, they can earn a handsome income.

After an MBA, the farmer gets a profit worth lakhs by choosing farming instead of a job

After an MBA, the farmer gets a profit worth lakhs by choosing farming instead of a job

Today we will tell you the story of a farmer who, after doing a major degree like an MBA, is doing farming instead of looking for a better job. This young farmer comes from Bihar, who chose agriculture instead of a job and today he is earning profits worth lakhs annually. 

Nowadays, youth want to get a good job in a big company after completing their studies. But, there are very few such youth who give priority to farming instead of jobs. That too, is when someone has obtained a big degree like an MBA. Yes, this seems easy to say. But, a similar story is of progressive farmer Abhinav Vashisht, a resident of the Sheikhpura district of Bihar. He tried his hand at farming after completing his MBA and today he is earning lakhs of rupees annually from farming.

Abhinav Vashisht chose farming instead of job 

Farmer Abhinav Vashisht said that he has been doing farming for the last 19 years. He has studied for an M.Com and MBA. After completing his studies, he thought it better to do farming instead of a job and today he is earning lakhs of rupees annually from farming, which he would hardly have been able to get in a job. He said that he has 35 acres of land for farming, in which he has a mango orchard in 4 acres and 2 ponds, which are built in 1 biga each.

Cultivation of medicinal plants is yielding good profits

He said that along with farming, he also does fish farming and dairy farming. He has 25 cows and 4 buffaloes in dairy farming. Farmer Abhinav said that traditional crops have been grown in his place since 2004, which include rice, wheat, and many pulses crops. However, after completing his studies, he also started cultivating medicinal plants. Due to this, their profits increased manifold. Apart from this, his main focus has been on the cultivation of aromatic plants. 

Also read: Sitaram Sengwa of Rajasthan is earning profits worth lakhs from gardening.

The farmer said that he cultivates aromatic plants like mint, citronella, basil, lemongrass, and mentha. 5 to 6 people from the district together formed an organization and gradually spread these plants to the entire state. Farmer Abhinav says that after cultivating the aromatic plant, the processing is completed through a unit. The cost of purchasing this unit in 2005 was approximately Rs 5 lakh. There was also help from the government in purchasing the machine. 

Farmers are earning profits worth lakhs annually 

Actually, while talking about the expenses and profits throughout the year, farmer Abhinav Vashisht said that there is not much expense in the cultivation of aromatic plants. Because, once their seeds or saplings are planted, there is no need to change them for 7 to 8 years. Their cultivation costs around Rs 25 to 30 thousand per acre in a year. This generates an income of around Rs 70 to 75 thousand. Similarly, the cost of fish farming in 1 bigha is around Rs 1.5 lakh. This expense is much less in dairy farming. He said that up to 200 liters of milk come out of his stable every day, which he sells. He said that he earns an annual profit of Rs 20 to 25 lakh from the agriculture, fisheries, and dairy industries. Accordingly, his annual income is more than Rs 30 lakh.

 PM Modi praised the man who left his job as a software engineer and became a successful farmer.

PM Modi praised the man who left his job as a software engineer and became a successful farmer.

In today's time, the government and farmers themselves are making various efforts to double their income. Due to this, farmers have started adopting new farming techniques along with traditional farming, and as a result, they are earning good profits. A farmer from Karimnagar in Telangana has also almost doubled his income by adopting similar mixed farming. 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi also appreciated the efforts and hard work of the farmers of Karimnagar. Also said that you are also a very strong example of possibilities in farming. Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted with the beneficiaries of the Vikas Bharat Sankalp Yatra on 18 January 2023 through video conferencing. Thousands of beneficiaries of the Vikas Bharat Sankalp Yatra from across India have participated in this program. Union Ministers, MPs, MLAs, and local-level representatives were also present in this program.

The annual income of graduate farmer M Mallikarjuna Reddy.

While talking to Prime Minister Modi, M Mallikarjuna Reddy, a farmer from Karimnagar, Telangana, said that he is doing animal husbandry and cultivating horticulture crops. Krishak Reddy is a B.Tech graduate and before farming, he worked in a software company. The farmer talked about his journey and said that education has helped him become a better farmer. He is following an integrated method, under which he is doing animal husbandry, horticulture, and natural farming. 

Also read: What is organic farming, benefits of organic farming

Let us tell you that the special advantage of this method is the regular daily income they get. He also does medicinal farming and is earning income from five sources. Earlier, he used to earn Rs 6 lakh every year by traditional monoculture farming. Also, currently, he is earning Rs 12 lakh every year through the integrated method, which is double his previous income.

Farmer Reddy has also been honored by the Vice President.

Kisan Reddy has been honored and rewarded by many institutions including ICAR and former Vice President Shri Venkaiah Naidu. He is also promoting integrated and natural farming a lot. Besides, they are also providing training to farmers in the surrounding areas. They have availed the benefits of a Soil Health Card, Kisan Credit Card, Drip Irrigation Subsidy, and Crop Insurance. The Prime Minister has asked them to check their interest rates on loans taken from KCC. Because the Central Government and State Government provide interest subsidies.

Small and marginal farmers now get easy loans

Small and marginal farmers now get easy loans

Small farmers in India will now have easier access to financing. Let us inform you that the Modi administration will shortly introduce a new programme through which small and marginal farmers linked with ARDB would benefit from loans and related services. The national government will shortly introduce a new strategy for the country's small farmers. Actually, Union Cooperative Minister Amit Shah is about to initiate a computerization initiative for Agricultural and Rural Development Banks and the Registrar of Cooperative Societies.

According to the official release, Amit Shah will oversee the computerization of ARDB and RCS throughout the states and union territories. The programme is being organised by the Ministry of Cooperation with the assistance of the National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC). The Ministry has made a crucial step by computerising the offices of Agriculture and Rural Development Banks (ARDBs) and Registrars of Cooperative Societies (RCSs) in states and union territories.

Organised by Ministry of Cooperation with the help of NCDC

The Ministry of Cooperation is organising this programme in partnership with the National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC). The project would completely computerise the offices of Agriculture and Rural Development Banks (ARDBs) and Registrars of Cooperative Societies (RCSs) in States/Union Territories, which is a key step made by the Ministry of Cooperation. According to the statement, this initiative would modernise the cooperative sector while increasing efficiency, where the entire cooperative system will be placed onto a single digital platform.

Also to read: farmers to get benefits of government schemes through cooperative societies

ARDB to continue computerising 1851 units

According to the announcement, 1,851 ARDB units throughout 13 states and territories would be computerised. These will be linked to the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD). This means that regularly used software will be based on a single national software. This programme will improve operational efficiency, accountability, and transparency at ARDB by standardising business processes using the Common Accounting System (CAS) and Management Information System (MIS). The strategy will let small and marginal farmers to benefit from ARDB acreage and related services via Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS).

Farmers income will double under this plan in a few months.

Farmers income will double under this plan in a few months.

Farmers' income will double under the Kisan Vikas Patra Yojana in a few months. Farmer brothers can get in touch with their local post office to take advantage of the program's benefits.

Even if you are a farmer, this information will be quite useful if you do not invest. The government has implemented a system in which investing can result in significant rewards. The Post Office Department has introduced the Kisan Vikas Patra Scheme, which promises farmers high returns on their investments. We'd like to advise you that the government has upped the interest rate on this scheme. Farmers who invest in the project will earn a 7.5 percent interest rate.

A plan has been released to support farmers.

The government launched this programme to provide farmers more financial clout. One kind of lump sum investing plan is this one. The farmer simply needs to deposit the money once under this plan. The scheme's most notable aspect is that the farmers' money would double in the allotted period. Instead of 120 months, the amount will double under the plan in 115 months.

Also  read: Farmers will profit as the "Meri Policy Mere Haath" campaign continues.

Information related to these schemes.

We would like to tell you that as of April 1, the Central Government has raised the annual investment rate on Kisan Vikas Patra from 7.2% to 7.5%. Currently, the money applied for under the system will quadruple in a mere 115 months. The maturity time, which was formerly 123 months, has also been shortened by the government. However, it is just 120 months at the moment. All post offices and major banks in India are doing this programme. Farmers can speak with representatives at the post office if they would like to invest in this programme. Brothers can contribute to this plan with a minimum of one thousand rupees. We would like to inform you that there is now no limit on the maximum account.

Also read: In support of farmers, the state government has launched the Devaranya Yojana.

Documents needed to get the scheme's benefits

Under the Kisan Vikas Patra Yojana, the farmer's household members are all eligible to register an account. The candidate must visit the post office and speak with an official in order to receive the benefits of the programme. In addition, the form has to be completed. The applicant will receive a Kisan Vikas Patra certificate as soon as the account is created. The applicant must bring the required paperwork, including the KVP application form, age certificate, passport size photo, and Aadhar card, when he applies under the scheme. Candidates ought to bring their phones along for the ride.

Names of 81000 ineligible farmers removed from the list of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana

Names of 81000 ineligible farmers removed from the list of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana

To improve the economic condition of Indian farmers, the Government of India started PM Kisan Yojana. Also, at present, almost all the farmers of India are taking advantage of it. Regarding the PM Kisan Yojana of the Government of India, you all know very well, how it is beneficial for the farmers. Many farmers in India are getting financial benefits by joining this scheme. For your information, let us tell you that under this scheme, Rs 6000 is sent to the accounts of farmers in three installments every year from the Central Government.

Farmers are waiting for the arrival of the 15th installment

As seen, the farmers of India have so far received the 14th installment of this scheme. At present, farmers are waiting for the 15th installment. It is feared that within a few months the 15th installment of the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana will also be transferred to the accounts of the farmers. But, some farmers have been kept out of this scheme by the Government of India. Perhaps due to all these reasons, the number of farmers in the country is gradually decreasing due to various schemes of the government.

Also read: Farmers of Uttar Pradesh have been the maximum beneficiaries under the Prime Minister Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, know what is the condition of your state.

81000 farmers have been considered ineligible for this scheme

A piece of big news is coming out from the state of Bihar that under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, about 81,000 farmers of the state have been considered ineligible for this scheme, due to which they have been excluded from this scheme. Let us know which farmers of the state have been kept out of PM Kisan Yojana.

Know which farmers will not get the benefit.

-Family of farmers appointed to government posts.

-Institutional landholders.

-They were serving or retired officers and employees of the state or central government.

-Farmer earning more than Rs 10 thousand per month.

-Pensioners, Engineers, Doctors and Lawyers families etc.

-Only these farmers will get the benefit of the scheme.

-Small and economically weak farmers.

-Landholding farmer families etc.

Also read: Changes in the rules of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, update e-KYC soon

Apply for PM Kisan Yojana like this

-To apply under this scheme from home, farmers will have to visit the official website of PM Kisan, from where they can easily apply online.

-Check your name in the farmer list in this way.

-To see his name in the PM Kisan list, the farmer will first have to visit the official website of the scheme.

-After this go to the 'Beneficiary List' tab on the right side of the screen.

-After this, select the details from the drop-down such as state, district, sub-district, block, and village.

-After this, you have to tap on Get Report.

-After this, the Beneficiary List details will appear in front of you on the screen.

-PM Kisan Helpline Number for farmer assistance

For your information, let us tell you that our farmer brothers can contact us by email at and helpline number 155261 or 1800115526 for any problem related to this scheme.