ब्रांड | : | खेडुत |
मॉडल | : | कतर 04 |
टाइप | : | जुताई |
श्रेणी | : | रिजर |
पावर | : |
Khedut Chisel Plough is used for the cultivation of soil without needing plow in the field after harvesting. Main function of this plough is to loosen and aerate the soils while leaving crop residue at the top of the soil.
वजन (किग्रा/एलबीएस) | : | 370 |
मुख्य फ्रेम (मिमी) | : | 100X100X6 |
टायर | : | 2 (ADJUSTABLE) |
टाइनस मिमी | : | 25 (FORGED) |